Kojima is the type of guy who is never truly happy with his creations... and as a gamer I am happy with that, if devs release a game and think they reached perfectio, we shall then start getting variations of that game not new gaming experiences...
His words were not, the PS3 is crap, so we couldnt put in the final game what we wanted, so MGSIV is crap... those were news reported on the Lemmingsland News... in reality he now re-explained his words to us common mortals, that he is happy with MGSIV, most pbably his vision for the game was a bit too ambitious which in the developing process it was not possible, maybe also due to hardware limitations..
He wasnt racist in his comments, he didnt offend anyone, its no news that japanese though westernized in many ways still have a way of thinking/living different that us (Europeans and americans)... i dont feel that his opinion was racist... come on lets be mature not act like kids...
His words were misinterpreted by journalists, could have been an honest mistake, could have been done on purpose, who knows... still this situation was then amplified to stratospheric proportions on SW cause well we all know blind fanboys used that as a sad excuse to bash PS3...
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