My words are in bold :).
I only needed to try the beta to see what was going on. GG had absolutely no confidence in their own game. it now offers nothing of its own.
That's not true at all. They had complete confidence in this game. I'd say they had too much confidence, lol. The problem is that they followed the designs of one guy, who changed what made KZ2 such an amazing MP game.
If Guerrilla were allowed (or gave themselves) more time, like until October, the MP would be better. For example, imagine what Reach's MP would be like if there were released in Februrary 2010, instead of September.
I'm sure a larger workload was related, after all, they had to push 3D and Move so Sony could show something off.
but what shows their confidence when they:
take Halo Reach's assassinations idea but leave out the balance and letting players just stab others in the face, even if the attacker was being shot at the time
Well, I'm not so sure they "took" the idea from Bungie, but you may not be using the word literally. Brutal melees can be countered though: you're still able to shoot them in the first stages of the animations. I've killed plenty of attackers by doing this (the camera begins to go into 3rd person, then swings back to 1st). Also, teammates can shoot (or even intercept by brutal melee-ing them in the process) and kill your assailant.
I'm not super fan of brutal melees in the MP, but I don't think they're broken, by any means.
take out spawn grenades and replace it with capture points. spawn grenade = different, special, unique, very flexible tactics. any issue with it in KZ2 could have been rectified in KZ3, because they had a fresh start with new knowledge, and it is entirely GG's fault if player's didn't know how to use spawn grenades properly in 2 (there were no tips in load screens saying "it spawns you in the opposite direction when you deployed it"
I agree with spawn nades. They weren't perfect, but instead of tweaking them, they changed the method behind spawning. Like I previously stated, spawn nades were Eric Boltjes' ideas (along with most of KZ2 designs). TSAs sound good on paper, but when you don't work as a team, they can be very troublesome.
throw in a completely arbitrary ribbon system that gives players extra damage and faster reloads in the middle of a game, with no downsides like recoil or movement speed
I hate the ribbon system for the most part (double XP is cool, and I'm fine with faster reloads). They will be patching in nerfs for increased bullet damage and increased accuracy. Also, this doesn't mean they didn't have confidence in the previous game, they thought it could enhance the experience (something I disagree with).
have an upgrade system that is all about improving abilities, when those tier 3 abilities are integral enough that all players should have them from the beginning. think about it: engineers that have to buy their turrets? tacticians that need to buy their drones? every player has to buy their sidearm? they pulled something like this in KZ2, and it was a bad idea, this is even worse in 3. I saw the same thing in Bad Company 2, hold back integral skills just to give players more stuff to grind for. "unlock your ammo boxes, your med kits, your repair tool, look! we're just like the COD games now! really!"
Each c|ass has their most important abilities to start with. I understand your point, and it's vaild. But, I guess it's down to personal preference regarding unlocks.
a system with each abilitiy having a downside to balance it would have provided perfect variety while meaning that newer players were never screwed over.
There are counters to abilites:
- Tact's Spot and Mark is completely killed by the Marksman's Scramble. If you aren't in the range of the Scrambler, S&M will target them, I believe.
- Tact's S&M identifies disguisd enemy Infiltrators (on screen, and on radar). Also, your crosshairs will turn red when pointed at an enemy Infiltrator.
- Turrets and drones aren't nearly as difficult to take down as they were in KZ2. Plus, Tactician air bots disappear when they die.
- If you destroy a Medi-drone next to a Medic, it will likely kill them.
- Medic's revive gun is actually not as useful, now, lol. They're patching in more range soon. There's also a sacrifice in reviving a teammate, it leaves them open.
- Proximity mines disappear after 60 seconds, so you can't camp in a room with them for an elongated period of time.
There are other abilities that don't even need counters, like the Tact's TSA capture, Medic's healing aura, Engy's repair tool, etc.
developers make mistakes, it happens. some don't go back and change them. there is a tendency for people to just accept the first thing they get without considering the alternative.
Yeah, that's true. Thankfully, I see Guerrilla devs are on the boards conversing with fans about issues, and they already have a nice list of fixes, with more to come. I really do appreciate their involvement and response :).
In the end, I think they were completely confident with their KZ2, outside of controls. What they made the mistake of doing is going about altering the complaints of Killzone 2 in the wrong way.
It's not about confidence, I believe. They followed the lead of a guy who wanted to go in a different direction.
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