And I think Deal or No Deal is better than Metroid Prime, therefore reviewers must blind themselves and agree with my opinion.
I don't think reviews agaree with you on this either, unless you can find a review that explicately states that the keyboard improves the gameplay, though I expect it to be from a reputale sourcend relevant. You have no point though. The only thing worse than sarcasm is failing at it. Your whole argument is based around the concept of you disagreeing with what I'm saying, but your only justfication is, "It's just because your wrong.", and nothing more. I like gamepads because they are functional, and they fit in my hands nicely. What more could I want? A mouse? Does that help me play fighting games? Does it help me play driving games? No, it dosn't.
PC supports console controllers... So you have no problems there.
The only difference PC controls make is in genres such as RTS and FPS, where it's ridiculously improved on PC. You're right, TECHNICALLY it's opinion. That's all I'll say about that.
I havn't noticed a ridiculous improvement when playing FPS games. I don't enjoy them any more than I would with a game pad. The PS3 already has Kb/M support, I think, certainly Keyboard support for text, so it is probably actually possible to use keyboards with a console as long as the developer programs for it. The thing is, no one wants it, so it's a bit pointless. I don't consider the keyboard as a significant advantage in controls regardless.
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