[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="valmonte"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"] Leave gaming to M$ and Nintendo? Did you forget what Song did with PS1 and 2?
Sure didn't. What does that have to do with PS3? Are we to let nostalgia take the place of common sense? Personally, I'm glad to hear DMC4 will have rumble function. But the fact remains that the TC has a point.
It's long been shrugged off by Cows that rumble was unneccessary for the PS3 experience. And that's utter horses***. It was a mistake! Everyone makes them! Sony's been making more then it's share lately! I like Sony. I think in the end they will pull their ass out of the fire and rally the PS3 with a fuller library and another price cut or two.
But Sony's original stance of "Rumble being unneccessary" was ridiculous. And the fact it was supported by so many was ridiculous and further disingenuous. Sony was mired in legal issues with the original Dualshock, so of course they were putting a positive spin on a bad situation. But what excuse do the consumers who backed this utterly stupid contention have? As best I can come up with, it was blatant and insincere damage control. So, while I'm pleased Sony's figured out how to get their rumble situation back on course, the twonks who supported that lame excuse should be ready to suffer a little ribbing over it.
Sony tried to get away with a statement and they didn't, they got called on it and now are answering back. And yet there is hate still coming back to them.
Well, aren't you a saint? Though I agree with your point, it's a bit hollow. Particularly considering your habit of refering to Microsoft as M$. This seems to be inconsistent with your disdain for kneejerk reactions to consolecompany policy. I mean what's the implication exactly? Microsoft is in business for money? ... duh? Or perhaps you're refering to the fact that Microsoft charges for it's gold membership live package? I don't know exactly where you're coming from to be frank.
But let me be frank. Since Sony is so saintly and disinterested in this money that M$ is obsessed with... are they replacing the old controllers? Can the sixaxis be traded in for a replacement? No? That's... unreasonable and financially unviable for Sony, you say? Hmmm... wonder why there would be hate coming from some of the early adopters? What's a dualshock 3 cost again? I'm not sure... bet it's quite a few months of Xbox live though. M$ indeed!
I agree with you, Rag.Sony is answering back, the way they should. And that's a good thing. But I don't think after a year of parroting "Rumble is outdated" that the cows are being unfairly dealt with in suffering a a day or two of "We told you so"'s. And I don't think Sony is such a weepy little girl that it can't take a little hate for screwing people around for year.
The whole M$ thing is just habbit for me, nothing personal. People will find things to hate about Sony, it seems to be the "it" thing to do nowadays. Us cows are used to getting ragged on in system wars, so a few days of "We told you so" really won't be that bad.
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