Nice excuse. Still wrong.
My man you seem to be the one making exuses. So you claim Forza is a AA franchise while GT is a AAA franchise. Still wrong? Well what makes him wrong and what makes you right?
Forza 1 = 9.2
Forza 2 = 9.2
GT1 = 8.5
GT2 = 8.6
GT3 = 9.4
GT4 = 8.9
GT doesn't even average out to a AAA score. So tell me. Explain to me how GT is a AAA franchise and how Forza is a AA Franchise. I already know I'm going to hear the exuse of you using gamerankings but maybe you'll give me something different and entertaining.
because its more logical to use only one website with one opinion, because the aggregate website which has hundreds of opinions is more accurate right? my logic is an excuse, while you hide behind some "technicality" to prove yourself right...(rolls eyes) continue your stay in fantasy land.....So you claim gamespot scores are a technicallity huh? Scientifically using one objective site for both is definately far more accurate then all the fan sites, all the other sites whom nobody has ever heard of, not to mention we would have OXM and OPM scores thrown into the mix. Add in also we wouldn't even have the same number of reviews to compare both games to as they each have a different number.
Regardless even if I went by gamerankings it would look like this.
Forza 1 = 92.77%
GT4 = 89.19%
92.77 > 89.19
So even if I did use your logic again I ask. What makes your point? These two games went head to head and its obvious which was more critically acclaimed. Am I not seeing Forza 1 score > GT4 score or am I blind? Please in depth explain me your logic on this subject because one I just came into this thread and dtwo it doesn't seem like your logic supports your point of view as I have proven.
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