Wow that's just pathetic.
So what excuses are PS3 fanboys going to use this time? "The lazy dev", even though the PS3 was the leading platform?
PS3 owners won't have to make excuses over this one, because this isn't about the PS3's graphical limitations.
This is isn't a case of being "lazy"; it's justa case of pure failure on Terminal Reality's part. If they used the PS3 as the lead console and this is the result, then they obviously had no clue what to do with the PS3. Sony would have helped them work out some of the kinks had they asked for it, especially seeing (as has already been said before) as they own Paramount.
TR can't use "time" as an excuse either, because they've had plenty of development time to make this a top-notch game on all systems. The only thingin the back of my mind, and the reason why I actuallypre-ordered the 360 version over the PS3 version to begin with, was that this wasinitially in development back when companies were still trying to figure out how to work with the PS3. Now most developersknow how to work withit, but back then they were lost.
So a delayed game finally sees its release, and it has the problems of old. I can't say I'm entirely surprised. This game is one of the last remnants of that old era, and the proof is that most major releaseslook good on both consoles.
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