I loved the original Uncharted. I am enamored with Uncharted 2. They are far from perfect games, but they end up being superior to the sum of their individual parts.
Frankly, that's because many of their individual parts suc k.
This list is a lazy compilation of my personal disappointments with Uncharted 2, the so-called "best game on the PS3." Fanboys unwilling to hear any criticism, reasonable or otherwise, may want to click on the System Wars tab before reading the following :(
-(Spoilers) New characters: While Nathan Drake, Elena and Sully are highly entertaining, their relationships with the game's villains is flimsy at best. Naughty Dog goes out of their way to establish that Drake was betrayed by Flinn, but beyond a few minutes of friendly gibes and then the subsequent "I'm gonna kill you Drake -- no wait, I'm not because I'm a **** villain and won't shoot you when I get the chance, TWICE" Flinn has barely any screen-time. Am I supposed to emote towards him more because he betrayed me? Hell, as far as I'm concerned, he was never on my side, save for a rather dull introduction. That scar-faced guy -- who I'm presuming is the main baddie -- is about as fleshed out as Victor was in Drake's Fortune. Which is to say, not at all.
Chole was better, but since her relationship with Drake is almost entirely pre-Uncharted 2 [and post-Uncharted], I don't really like or dislike her as I do with Elena or Sully. Most of her dialogue is either stabs at humor or the inevitable "I'm sorry, Drake, but I'm going to betray you. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN."
Oh, and, uh, Jeff. How's it going, pal? I'm sure you'd be glad that Elena completely forgot about you 10 minutes after you died and Flinn let Drake + pals escape. You were a cool guy, for what it's worth. Not.
In conclusion, I never really 'felt' for any of the new characters, which, in my opinion, are very underdeveloped.
-Stupid, stupid AI: Really, this just killed the stealth sections for me. They have poor sight, and even when they see Drake they're indecisive about whether or not they should shoot me now or in a few seconds. They don't really react to you realistically (if you walk up to them, they usually keep shooting instead of engaging you in fist-to-fist combat). Maybe this is because I played the game on Normal, but I doubt it.
-Opposing variety: Speaking of enemies, there are only a few recycled throughout the game. That redhead grunt with really short hair is starting to get annoying, and if I see another variation of the Yeti I'm going to break a chair. Or a light. Would it have been too hard to design a few more guys Naughty Dog, or were you still trying to fix the AI?
-Platforming, puzzling: As they are entirely separate from the gunplay, I didn't really expect them to present any sort of challenge, but I still felt they were underwhelming. The puzzles did not require thinking, but platforming around huge yet ultimately restrictive environments... Which would be more enjoyable if the platforming was more than an intense match of wrestling with the strange logic of Naughty Dog designers [finding out where to go]. Aside from that the platforming controls can occassionally be a bit imprecise and you can only grab onto certain parts of giant sculptures (how the hell am I supposed to know to grab onto the eye and not the mouth?), discovering where to jump next can be a real pain. I don't know if many other people had this irksome issue, but I actually got lost once. In a linear game. Whether this is a fault of mine or the developers, I'll never know.
-The camera gets out of whack sometimes, particularly during platforming and special "run-away" sequences. Whether those sequences are fun or annoying is contestable, but I thought they were as unnecessary as Jeff. Sorry, buddy.
What's this? You disagreed with my entire list and think I'm a lemming that only owns a PS3? Bah, go play Uncharted 2. It's a good game ;)
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