This ALWAYS gives me a chuckle whenever I come across the funniest, most generic, ridiculous, and worst video game character names.
Here are some of them:
Mike Wired - Dino Stalker
Rad Spencer - Bionic Commando
Jet Brody - Fracture
Bruce McGivern - Resident Evil Outbreak
Edge Maverick - Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
Fayt Leingod - Star Ocean 3
Roddick Farrance - Star Ocean
Claude C. Kenny - Star Ocean 2
Adray Lasbard - Star Ocean 3
Shane Carpenter - Haze
Tingle - Zelda Series
Kluke - Blue Dragon
Meliadoul Tingel - Final Fantasy Tactics
Hel Spites - Vandel Hearts
Xelpherpolis - Ephimeral Phantasia
Sess'sth - Baldur's Gate
Rocket Billy Redcadillac - Gungrave
Higharolla Kockamamie - Metal Gear II Snake's Revenge
Philbright Westriverside Warehouserock XXVI - Zone of the Enders: Fist of Mars
James Pond - James Pond GBA
Wild Woody - Wild Woody Sega CD
Waluigi - Mario Series
Butz - Final Fantasy V (LOL!)
Some are so ridiculous they're hilarious!
I'm sure there are more I missed, but these are the ones I remember and the ones I can find.
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