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Might and Magic 7:
Grandmaster of the Unarmed skill: Norris ... if people don't get this one, they are pretty much fail.
William Setag: evil Villain - William Setag = Bill (short for William) Gates (Setag backwards) Bill Gates. Har har har!
Ridiculous characters thread and nobody has posted Duke Nukem. Everything about Duke Nukem is ridiculous.EmperorSupreme
Everything Duke Nukem is pure awesomeness.
Travis Touchdown
Why is it stupid? What the heck does this game have to do with football? The name should have been changed because that was stupid.
game: P.N.03
name :Vanessa Z. Schneider
system : gamecube
game :metroid prime
name : metroid
system : system wars
[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]Ridiculous characters thread and nobody has posted Duke Nukem. Everything about Duke Nukem is ridiculous.wapahala
Everything Duke Nukem is pure awesomeness.
Duke Nukem Forever better be the best damn game ever, otherwise duke nukem is fail
Gray Fox, or: DeepthroatDnadolny
I know why you chose deepthoat ;)
Need I say more?Lord_Omikron666
I believe you have mistaken this thread for "Totally Awesome Crotchlaser-Worthy Names." :P
*Breathes in deep*
Soap seems to be a bad name to me...
unless the kid was smelly as hell when it came out...
Soap McTavish was destined to 'clean up' crime and terrorism!
Harharharhar...Eww. That was terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if that's how Infinity Ward came up with that name. :|
All the games with a lead character named jack... you know what day tomorrow is? :|
Master Chief
That's the pinnacle of stupidity
I hope you know Master Chief is a title not a name.
His name is John. which is probably a play off of the movie Demolition man.
[QUOTE="Waffle_Fish"][QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"]Internet cookie to whoever can name this lil guy.Tama Chan? No cookie for you! It's Cosmic Spacehead. :POMG, I was ABOUT to say that!!!AirGuitarist87
Was not a major character but I thought Error was a strange name form somone.
Error From Zelda 2.
Soap - Call of Duty 4. Who on earth would name their child SOAP? He would have got bullied at school over his name so badly, and not even for a reason that makes sense, like if your name was Paul Micoch, purely because he was named after something you use to wash your hands.
Edge Maverick is so corny that I actually like it.
*Breathes in deep*
- Phoenix Wright
- Winston Payne
- Frank Sahwit
- Larry Butz
- April May
- Redd White
- Will Powers
- Jack Hammer
- Wendy Oldbag
- Penny Nichols
- Cody Hackins
- Sal Mannella
- Lotta Hart
- Former-detective Officer Jake "Sheriff" Marshall
- Officer Meekins
And those are only from the first DS Ace Attorney game.Technoweirdo
Well, Phoenix Wright is okay because of the goofy nature of the games. It never takes itself seriously, so those funky names add to the games. And the games are funny and well-written, so funky names are a welcome. But Ace Attorney games are exceptions.
But for a serious game like Star Ocean 4, Edge Maverick is ridiculous.
Well, it's the military so Soap's probably a call sign or a nickname, obviously. Like Goose, Iceman, Socks, Cowboy, or Gomer Pyle?Soap - Call of Duty 4. Who on earth would name their child SOAP? He would have got bullied at school over his name so badly, and not even for a reason that makes sense, like if your name was Paul Micoch, purely because he was named after something you use to wash your hands.
Edge Maverick is so corny that I actually like it.
Soap McTavish It must be an Irish or Scottish name :? I dont think its as bad as "edge maverick" tho :lol:Soap - Call of Duty 4. Who on earth would name their child SOAP? He would have got bullied at school over his name so badly, and not even for a reason that makes sense, like if your name was Paul Micoch, purely because he was named after something you use to wash your hands.
Edge Maverick is so corny that I actually like it.
wow a cow would say that or maybe you play really crappy games Master Chief is a great nameMaster Chief
That's the pinnacle of stupidity
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]wow a cow would say that or maybe you play really crappy games Master Chief is a great nameMaster Chief
That's the pinnacle of stupidity
naruto7777 guys who think Master Chief is a bad name realize that Master Chief is a military rank?
Note why Halo's Master Chief is named "Master Chief Petty Officer John-117."
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