So In the end of another of these odd e3 threads the results were "those good looking demos are next gen because we can't run them like that"
Well, sorry, they are current gen, both watchdogs and 1313 were playable, with off the shelves hardware, it is not the graphics that were next gen, it is the consoles that are "last gen" when there exists systems right now that can play both, it is freaking CURRENT!
As for the PCs are running most games, then yeah. there are two reasons, 1 being the visual fidelity, the better output. The other just as important point is the fact that they are all debug builds. You pretty much need a pc for most of them since errors in coding might occur, and require access to command prompts and debug comands.
The last of us also looked very good, anyone denying that is blind. It did not looke better then the before mentioned titles tho. But looked close enough that I would call it little less then a coding miracle.
Those were demo'd on 'off the shelf' PC hardware, so Nvidia 680s and Ivy core processors probably. The capable of the current crop in PC GPUs is leagues ahead of todays console hardware, and is indicative of what 'next gen' hardware will probably be like (if not scaled back from the current crop of PC enthusiast cards, compared to mass produced consumer electronics). Demo's are usually done on console dev kits of have the PC builds running. Watch Dogs and 1313 were running on PC hardware, having that rendering capacity and density on todays consoles is simple impossible, Last of Us would have been on a dev-kit as they usually are.Uhh yeah, exactly, they are running off current off the shelf hardware, hence they are CURRENT gen. I loathe the people calling those demos "Next gen" no, they were playable, and very much current. My pc could likely play them. So they are current, the 360 and PS3 might or might not, atleast not as tehy were shown, but that does not mean the PC should be discounted.
I have a great dislike for people who dismiss systems due to preference, it is really simple, if anything you can buy at the preasent, can run the games, then it is current gen. A disconnect I have with the hype word "next gen". A tech demo might be next gen, since they can rarely be applied into any game, due to the workload, but alot of the things we saw, were pretty much current.
Just as I stated, it was not the games that was "next gen" but the consoles that are "last gen" pretty simple really.
As for 1313 and watchdogs, I am not so sure they ran off any devkits, since I am fairly certain the next batch of consoles have the hardware setteled in for all devs to take a look at. So They were likely built by whatever limitations the PCs had.
My point was, that you can not call something "next gen" when hardware out now for the average consumer can run it.
That's true, though I'm pointing out the huge difference in PC rendering capacity to console (which is why 'next gen' gets thrown around). Indeed couldn't agree more in terms of next gen nonsense and people dismissing out of preference. Last of Us ran on a dev kit, the others would have been on developer build PC. Otherwise true true, people seem to jump to conclusions.
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