I have creatied a Nice thread compiled of all the Lost Odyssey Info we have to get everyone nice and hyped for some awesome late in the dev cycle Game play to be released at Play! this month.... alright where was the PLay! footage? I cant find it...
First of all lets start with the people behind the game, some you may already know of, Others you may know.
Lost Odyssey's story is being penned by the award winning Japanese novelist, Kiyoshi Shigematsu
who is working directly with the game's producer Hironobu Sakaguchi on the story sequences.
Heading up the artistic demands of the title is famed Japanese comic artist, Takehiko Inoue. (he is the mangaka of a very famous Manga is Japan)
while famed composer Nobuo Uematsu has been recruited to create a more contemporary soundtrack.
Mistwalker is developing the title, with cooperation with a studio named Feel Plus, a subsidiary of Microsoft created specifically to aid Mistwalker. Former Square employees at Microsoft are also involved.
and now for a nice story and setting breakdown
In Lost Odyssey the player takes control of Kaim, a man who has been sentenced to live for 1,000 years. Gameplay revolves around the many generations of which Kaim is a part of, his loves and losses and conflicts of a world nearing a "mystical industrial revolution".
so we can see Lost Odyssey becoming a franchise much like Final Fantasy, each game only retaining the main character Kaim, but having a much different setting/party, but unlike Final Fantasy the games ARE linked and arent just placed in DIfferent universes or something
People seem to not belive this or not know of this, the game is gettings its Voice overs from english Voice actors at the SAME time its getting its Voice Overs from Japanese Seiyuu's
Anything and Everything you have seen about the game is now about a year old and completely unfinished, MS wanted a lost Odyssey Trailer and demo around the same time BD, the PS3, and the wii released, THE BATTLE SYSTEM WAS AT THE MOMENT ONLY 50% COMPLETE, so yes not to mention all the battles youve seen is from THE VERY EARLY STAGES of the game, and aparently the first couple battles you get in an RPG ARE really rather boring, why shouldnt they be? you have the basic abilities and like no one in your party
here are some nice samples of Lost Odyssey's Music, Done by the GREAT Nobou Uematsu
Main Sample from MW's website
Theme from at the end of the demo
In-battle music
Piano Theme
Some awesome off the HDTV shots of the demo, look at that Eye Candy
this is a video without gameplay because I dont think its fair to judge the full game off an early as hell Demo
Plainoldsams' Battle system summary
"Basically, it's turn-based, but we put some real-time flavor to it. It's more strategic than real-time action. The basic structure is turn-based - you walk around in the adventure portion, then you encounter monsters, and it comes to a battle scene. It's not seamless ? it's adventure, then battle, then adventure, then battle. As you progress, there will be a lot of things you have to concentrate on in the battle scenes, and also you'll need to focus on timing. It's turn-based, strategic combat with some real-time features.
Perhaps the most interesting part of Sakaguchi's comments centered on the battle system. According to the article, Lost Odyssey will employ a wall system which will require players to ensure that the front guards protect the rear. Enemies will se these formations as well and Mistwalker plans to add an "analog trigger system for physical attacks" to breech the walls.
Sakaguchi explained that magical attacks in Lost Odyssey are much more powerful than physical attacks, so sorcerers will have to be protected with the front line while they do their thing. He went on to hint that acquired skills will be needed to equip accessories and that the obtainable skills will vary between mortals and immortals in the game. He then told readers that item synthesis will work through combining items infused with magical power along with a basic weapon.
- turn-based
- skill system differs for chars that can't die and chars that can die
- includes weapon synthesis
- wall system protects chars on the back line"
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