That because Apple phones use powerful GPU,it started with the 4S,because the iphone 4 one,was basically the same of the 3s,after the Iphone 4 Apple started to pack in stronger GPU,their OS is pretty good,and Apple have always been know for stable OS unlike MS in this case.
I remember when i bough my Galaxy S1,people actually believe the Iphone 4 was stronger,when in reality the GalaxyS 1 ran circles around the Iphone 4,and it was do to developers not supporting top end phones because most phones out there were low spec android,while Apple benefit from having few models,and basically close specs between hardware,when the 4S landed all change because they chose a stronger GPU,and believe it or not this phones use GPU accelerated apps,trough compute which is the reason why Apple phones ran so good,the Iphone 4 was crap compare to my galaxy s1 running test because the GPU in the S1 outclass the one of the iphone 4.
Look at Apple processors now,even that they don't have tons of CPU core one thing is consistent a good GPU.
So is not software optimization alone,is powerful hardware in Apple hands which isn't the same as on MS hand,and sony has been know to push hardware to its very limits even on hardware that was a nightmare to develop for so i don't think MS would beat them on that part.
The Iphone 5 was running an SGX543MP3 GPU with performance basically of that of the Ipad 3,so basically any app that is GPU accelerated will perform great because it had a great GPU for its time.
That second bold part is a joke,what the hell do you think will happen when you use the extra 50% power for compute.?
So you think developers will waste 50% power in something that will yield no benefits.?
So running the extra power for compute will not make the PS4 kick the living crap out of the PS4 in Physics and anything having to do with compute resources.?
If you use 600Gflosp for compute from where in hell you will pull from on the xbox one to level the play field,the problem with using the extra power for compute is that it is power that still is use.
1200 Gflops for graphics + 640 Gflops for compute still are 1840Gflops of power,the xbox one has 1280Gflosp for graphics and compute,so if the xbox one use 640Gflops for compute to compensate that means it is left with 640Gflops for graphics vs the PS4 1200Gflops.
Is like you people didn't went to school the xbox one has 1280Gflosp for compute and graphics as well,what you do on PS4 you most compensate with something on xbox one,if you use 1280Gflops for graphics and nothing for compute yeah,the xbox one may have parity graphics wise with the PS4,but at the cost of physics and anything compute related,so we are talking here about crappy physics on xbox one vs incredible ones on PS4,some effects may also take a hit on xbox one for the lack of compute use.
Basically your argument is that the PS4 will use the extra 50% for compute but some how that mean nothings because well compute does nothing apparently in your eyes,Physics run on compute run faster and better with less resources than on the CPU,so if the PS4 uses GPU compute for Physics the xbox one has nothing to counter that Jaguar is no match what so ever for compute on GCN for physics,oh and that would also mean the xbox one would have to use its CPU resources for Physics,that jaguar doesn't reach even 200Gflops,and has to do other task as well.
Gear of war and Uncharted both are 720p,Gears is not 1080p.
That is funny because Sony beat MS this time on all angles,lets see the PS4 is smaller,doesn't have a power brick and is stronger,but not only that this time the PS4 is also easy to use because Sony didn't chose to put any cumbersome hardware like Cell,and actually make the PS4 without cheapen out like MS did,it was a matter of visions,MS had Kinect and TV in mind,sony more about games.MS basically fu** its own hardware in order to use cheap DDR3 and in order to also bundle Kinect.
Sony on the other hand was able to pack more inside that APU just because they chose the right type of memory,MS was out engineer which isn't hard sony is a hardware company after all before MS even existed as a company,and they have some nice coders and some of the best developers out there,which are use to work the hard way to get results unlike MS ones.
I don't see MS out doing sony software wise the PS4 tool are ahead already,and i am sure they will still be for the rest of the gen,after all sony coders don't have to focus on windows or any cross platform crap.
The 6670 doesn't have sh** on the 7850 let alone the PS4,that GPU is so crap even at 1680x1050 it can't run BF3 on high at 30FPS,just does 25 the 7850 does 61 FPS.
Is not even close,stop talking about things you don't 6670..
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