I have both an xbox and PS3. i've had my 360 little longer but regardless of that, i have 11 360 games and only 1 PS3. mainly bought the 360 over the PS3 bc of xbox live is better than PSN (people actually use headsets etc.). However, with the 2009 games on the way, i can see that my PS3 games will be catching up to my 360. between Killzone 2, MLB 2009, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, ill be in gaming heaven. not sure which system ill get RE5 on yet. guess it depends if there will be exclusive content on one or the other. either way. im wicked excited for 2009mmrsoxnation5
Well KZ 2 is a no brainer for MOST PS3 fans, but there is NO garuntee that Uncharted or GOW3 will even be released in 09' and even then you'll play them and it will be over. Then what? As for RE"5 ummm since it has multiplayer go with 360 since you yourself acknowledged the fact LIVE is superior to PSN. Oh yea if MLB is such a BIG thing for you why don't you have noth 07 and 08?
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