[QUOTE="Rage010101"][QUOTE="thegame1980"]Spoken like a true PS3 fanboy.
NO games interest you? NONE?! I find that hard to believe or even swallow. Even I notroiously known to mock and belittle the PS3 every chance I get knows there are a few titles I want to play and have played on it. Only true ignorant fanboys say "There is not a SINGLE X game that interests me" What a crock of ****! By the way when does your loyal, royal, true, blue, defend to the end Sony check come in the mail?
nono...i beliee him... why not? i own both a ps3 and 360, and there isnt a title on 360 i am intterestd for 09 so far...exclusive wise that is. the only thing that sparks my interest is alan wake, but im getting it on pc. tons of ps3 games that i will be buying for ps3 thats for sure.
Tons? As in three? Wow! You guys must be WAY more openminded than me to be purchasing a butt load of unproven titles other than the BIG three of 09'
where did i say 3 anywhere in my post? i am interested in way more than just 3 games...hell i have at least a good 8 on a buy list already! and i have money to blow, so im sure ill be picking up games im keeping an eye on. is it that hard to believe? so ur thing is buying only proven franchises? wow i feel bad for u... guess ur one of those that missed out on valkyria chornicles...tis a true shame
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