@Quicksilver128 said:
@darkangel115: lol no I don't work at best buy.
A quality lense in front of an Oled screen is going to offer a superior experience to a separate screen slapped in front of a magnifying glass. The lense tricks you so the Oled screen takes up your entire FoV. The Gear VR can't do that because it has to adjust fitting three different sized screens into one headset. So although the lense may magnify the Oled on the PS VR it offers nothing close to the distortion you get from the Gear VR.
Also let's not get sidetracked. You said PSVR was worse then Gear VR. I ask you do you honestly feel that way?
quality lens? lol a magnifying lens is just that. There isn't really a quality feature of it. All the lens in all VR devices were made to magnify a small image to make it look bigger. The thing is when you do that, the resolution suffers. This is a drawback from every VR device, not just the PSVR. however the PSVR has the lowest resolution of the bunch. (GEAR, PSVR, VIVE, RIFT) Gear is a 1440p screen, Vive and Rift a 1200p screen, and PS a 1080p screen. If you look at your 1080p TV from regular viewing distance it looks good, but now sit 5 inches away and put a magnifying glass to it and see how it looks, that situation really shows off any issues in quality.
A common complaint from everyone who demoed the PSVR was how you can't really read any text in it due to it being blurry. I had the same issue when I demoed battlezone. The text was unreadable. In the gear VR, the text is a little more clear, not sharp, but readable. I have no experience with the Vive or Rift to compare to those 2. The PSVR has better graphics then the Gear obviously, but it looks like I'm playing it in 480p on a HDTV (remember when we seen that when HDTVs first came out?) That's what it looks like. See if you can find an old TV show with black bars and all, and watch it on a HDTV and thats the quality of it. Games on the Gear sucks, and the mes available for Demo on the VR suck. Also being on an OG PS4 probably contributed as well. I would assume on the Pro the experience is much better. I like the idea of VR, I like tech in gaming. I supported 3d and kinect, and wii, So I'm not against VR, I just think as it currently stands it isn't worth it. Maybe with the next jump in tech it'll actually be good, but as it stands now, it really isn't.
I'll wait out VR for another year or so, maybe build a PC or see what comes available with the scorpio and try it out. But as of now, the PSVR really isn't good enough. It's probably only worth it with a rift or vive and a high end PC
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