If Mario Galaxy does destroy Halo 3 in sales, it's because mommys didn't let their kid pick up Halo.Gigas_YuuSig-worthy. I love it. Hilarious. You must be a fakeboy? Why else would you denigrate your console of choice so?
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If Mario Galaxy does destroy Halo 3 in sales, it's because mommys didn't let their kid pick up Halo.Gigas_YuuSig-worthy. I love it. Hilarious. You must be a fakeboy? Why else would you denigrate your console of choice so?
The only 3D Mario game to come out in the last 10 years sold less than both Halo games.
Don't get too far ahead of yourself. This isn't the 90s anymore. Mario doesn't dominate consoles like he used to.
Why do you all discount Mario 64?! Nintendo wasn't dominant at the time as well.
[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="blacktorn"]It's impossible for the Wii system to take over 360 sales this year,that automatically makes it impossible for Mario galaxy to sell more than halo 3.blacktorn
why is it impossible for the wii to over take 360 in overall sales this year?
Because they can't manufacture enough maybe?
It's been about half a year. About 8 million. You fail.[QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]If Mario Galaxy does destroy Halo 3 in sales, it's because mommys didn't let their kid pick up Halo.JandurinSig-worthy. I love it. Hilarious. You must be a fakeboy? Why else would you denigrate your console of choice so?
[QUOTE="sonicmj1"]The only 3D Mario game to come out in the last 10 years sold less than both Halo games.
Don't get too far ahead of yourself. This isn't the 90s anymore. Mario doesn't dominate consoles like he used to.
Why do you all discount Mario 64?! Nintendo wasn't dominant at the time as well.
When Mario 64 launched, Nintendo was still dominant. They were just coming off the SNES.
However, the main reason I'm discounting it is because it released more than a decade ago.
[QUOTE="Gamer556"]Halo 3 has 4 million pre-orders. Those are day one sales. Galaxy will be lucky to get that in it's first 6 months.sonicmj1
Gamespot has already confirmed that that rumor is completely bogus.
Oh, well scratch that. Either way I don't expect Galaxy to outsell Halo 3. Halo is a bigger name now.
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]If Mario Galaxy does destroy Halo 3 in sales, it's because mommys didn't let their kid pick up Halo.Gigas_YuuSig-worthy. I love it. Hilarious. You must be a fakeboy? Why else would you denigrate your console of choice so?
You understand that the "Sheep" have no hand in whether the Wii wins? It's decided by the majority... with the most potent vote around. Money. Tell me how any Sheep or even all of the Nintendo fans on the internet could "make Nintendo win" with cheap tricks? And, they can't tell Nintendo or 3rd parties what to make, so the only thing they can do to "ruin" the industry is to buy games that YOU would consider to be bad.
Maybe they are right and the games you like suck.
Sig-worthy. I love it. Hilarious. You must be a fakeboy? Why else would you denigrate your console of choice so?[QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"][QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="Gigas_Yuu"]If Mario Galaxy does destroy Halo 3 in sales, it's because mommys didn't let their kid pick up Halo.Jandurin
You understand that the "Sheep" have no hand in whether the Wii wins? It's decided by the majority... with the most potent vote around. Money. Tell me how any Sheep or even all of the Nintendo fans on the internet could "make Nintendo win" with cheap tricks? And, they can't tell Nintendo or 3rd parties what to make, so the only thing they can do to "ruin" the industry is to buy games that YOU would consider to be bad.
Maybe they are right and the games you like suck.
Sheep are the ones buying into whatever garbage they are fed. The games that I like for the 360have gotten a 9+ rating. Maybe they do suck. And how would Sheep or Nintendo fans make Nintendo win? Bypushing rehashedgames likeMario Galaxyfor theWii then they'll go ahead and say it's the best one yet without forgetting that they need something/someone else besides MARIO. There are many advantages to backing up a casual conscious console. Moms, non-gamers are a sheep's best friend. That's not something I would be too proud of.Gigas_YuuYes, well, it's the public that is deciding this. Not internet forum gamers. That was my point.
Secondly, Super Mario Galaxy is a rehash, you say? And how much have you played? How much of Metroid Prime 3?
How many FPSes have you played? That's the real question. Don't you ever get tired of aim, shoot, reload, aim, shoot? You don't think that is casualizing the market? The same shooter with better graphics and a slightly modified story?
I was playing Wolf3D and Doom and Quake Team Fortress 10/15 years ago.
And, while I'm ranting, what the HELL is wrong with Mario? He's freaking awesome. If you'd played SMB and SMB3 when they first came out (SMB 2 was good too, but very different), then I can't believe you would be bashing Mario like you are.
Sheep are the ones buying into whatever garbage they are fed. The games that I like for the 360have gotten a 9+ rating. Maybe they do suck. And how would Sheep or Nintendo fans make Nintendo win? Bypushing rehashedgames likeMario Galaxyfor theWii then they'll go ahead and say it's the best one yet without forgetting that they need something/someone else besides MARIO. There are many advantages to backing up a casual conscious console. Moms, non-gamers are a sheep's best friend. That's not something I would be too proud of.Gigas_Yuu
:| This post fails so hard, it's hillariousthat you can't see it.
Let's have a little history lesson, shall we?
Super Mario Bros. - 40.24 million sold
That's more than both Halos combined times two!
Super Mario Bros. 2 - 7.46 million sold
More than Halo CE
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 17.28 million sold
More than both Halos combined.
Super Mario Land - 18.14 million sold
More than both Halos combined
Super Mario Land 2 - 11.18 million sold
More than either Halo
Super Mario World - 20.61 million sold
More than both Halos combined
Super Mario All-Stars - 10.55 million sold
More than either Halo
Super Mario 64 - 11.89 million sold
More than either Halo
New Super Mario Bros. - 9.77 million sold
More than either Halo
I'm still to be convinced that Mario Galaxy is something special, that could reach the same kinds of sales as the other Mario games, but we will see soon enough, won't we....
Are you sure the 360 is aimed at older cooler players because right now you sound like a pathetic little kid.firest of all, Mario is for jst about all audiences because it is rated T
most people who own a Wii are under seventeen and will buy Mario Galaxy
XBOX360 is geared towards older, cooler players who are smart and like a bit of complexity in their games, or just fun blood and guts
I'm not really bashing Mario, I'm just thinking the Wii really needs another franchise that they can show off. I'm not for " the prettier, the better" FPSs either. Even some lemmings were outraged that Halo 3 looked like "Halo 2 in HD". Team Fortress was a really fun game, btw.
However, the thing I don't like about Mario is that so many sheep are holding onto it so tight. Where's the 3rd party developers? Don't get me wrong about Mario- it's definately fun but I think non-gamers are really getting into it because the controls seem so unique and the parentals love it because it's colorful and great (nothing wrong with that. Mario being violent would be horrible) I'm just wanting the Wii to be more diverse. If they win this generation I do not want them playing the parent trap card the entire way and for the Wii fanboys to take credit for it as if they were the ones that caused the victory. Mario Galaxy seems like it could hit as hard as a Mario 64, but seriously can't something else come up to the Wii that we haven't seen already? Maybe some co-op play in Galaxy? It seems that in all these newer mario games they have you at some point followed by an AI. Why cant that AI be your pal playing next to you ( I'm talking about Mario, Partners in time for the DS)
Until then I wont respect Nintendo and continue fearing what appealing to the non-gamer will do as a whole. That could very well lower the standards of people and you'll see sony making a game about puppies or baby dinosaurs as it tries to be original. It just seems like a dangerous roadNintendois taking.
[QUOTE="sonicmj1"]The only 3D Mario game to come out in the last 10 years sold less than both Halo games.
Don't get too far ahead of yourself. This isn't the 90s anymore. Mario doesn't dominate consoles like he used to.
Why do you all discount Mario 64?! Nintendo wasn't dominant at the time as well.
Because they're not. Mario 64 is more than 10 years old.
Now, this is a post.I'm not really bashing Mario, I'm just thinking the Wii really needs another franchise that they can show off. I'm not for " the prettier, the better" FPSs either. Even some lemmings were outraged that Halo 3 looked like "Halo 2 in HD". Team Fortress was a really fun game, btw.
However, the thing I don't like about Mario is that so many sheep are holding onto it so tight. Where's the 3rd party developers? Don't get me wrong about Mario- it's definately fun but I think non-gamers are really getting into it because the controls seem so unique and the parentals love it because it's colorful and great (nothing wrong with that. Mario being violent would be horrible) I'm just wanting the Wii to be more diverse. If they win this generation I do not want them playing the parent trap card the entire way and for the Wii fanboys to take credit for it as if they were the ones that caused the victory. Mario Galaxy seems like it could hit as hard as a Mario 64, but seriously can't something else come up to the Wii that we haven't seen already? Maybe some co-op play in Galaxy? It seems that in all these newer mario games they have you at some point followed by an AI. Why cant that AI be your pal playing next to you ( I'm talking about Mario, Partners in time for the DS)
Until then I wont respect Nintendo and continue fearing what appealing to the non-gamer will do as a whole. That could very well lower the standards of people and you'll see sony making a game about puppies or baby dinosaurs as it tries to be original. It just seems like a dangerous roadNintendois taking.Gigas_Yuu
I don't know about Co-op in Galaxy. But, I think if SSBB has online 4 player mode, and it's done even slightly well, Nintendo will learn just how many people will want to go online.
I mean, honestly, Co-op for Galaxy wouldn't even be hard if it followed the lives/levels mode that the old Mario games did. That would certainly be an interesting surprise, and is technically totally possible.
Real time co-op would be harder, both for the network involved and.. well, because it's not like there's a "tails" of the Mario universe. Both Mario and Luigi always want to take the center stage, and it'd be hard to make a good game that allows both to do what they want in such a free-roaming game (as SMG seems to be from videos).
Don't get me wrong. If the Wii negatively affects the industry, I'll be against it completely. It's just that I am of the opinion that it will not make the industry worse, but better.
They just bought... the Xenosaga fellows, who are making Disaster: Day of Crisis, and that to me says that they're willing to do the epic game/RPG/long term game thing as well as the cutesy mini-game/humor business.
They need to appeal to everyone to keep on top, this time, and I think they know it.
I really appreciate you coming in and not directly attacking and actually contributing some good stuff. Your a top poster in my book, Jandurin. I'll have to leave to see a TUF Finale rerun though. See you later =)Adios. There will always be "sheep" and, I don't mean Nintendo fans when I say that.
Thanks for explaining where your apprehension was coming from. It does explain some. But, that's also bound to happen with the cheapest system and "hottest" new item. Going to get all sorts of random buyers.
[QUOTE="blacktorn"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="blacktorn"]It's impossible for the Wii system to take over 360 sales this year,that automatically makes it impossible for Mario galaxy to sell more than halo 3.IAmRodyle
why is it impossible for the wii to over take 360 in overall sales this year?
Because they can't manufacture enough maybe?
They're dishing out 1.5 million Wiis a month. I'd say that's sufficient.
Ok at max they can produce around 1 million a month,they have sold around 7.5-8 to date.
360 has sold around 12 million.Let's assume Mario galaxy launches in November,that leaves 5 months for the Wii to catch up to 360 sales.So if the wii continues to sell out by then,it can only achieve a max no. sold at 12.5-13 million.
Halo 3 and gta IV should shift a million or two 360 later this year,so let's assume the 360 will sell 3 million in the next 5 months (optimistic guess),it's almost impossible for the Wii to overtake the 360 this year,but next year is anybodys.
The last good mario game on a home console sold 14 million. And that was on a flop console
Mario Galaxy will sell more, Halo 3 will sell faster. it's that simple
[QUOTE="IAmRodyle"][QUOTE="blacktorn"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="blacktorn"]It's impossible for the Wii system to take over 360 sales this year,that automatically makes it impossible for Mario galaxy to sell more than halo 3.blacktorn
why is it impossible for the wii to over take 360 in overall sales this year?
Because they can't manufacture enough maybe?
They're dishing out 1.5 million Wiis a month. I'd say that's sufficient.
Ok at max they can produce around 1 million a month,they have sold around 7.5-8 to date.
360 has sold around 12 million.Let's assume Mario galaxy launches in November,that leaves 5 months for the Wii to catch up to 360 sales.So if the wii continues to sell out by then,it can only achieve a max no. sold at 12.5-13 million.
Halo 3 and gta IV should shift a million or two 360 later this year,so let's assume the 360 will sell 3 million in the next 5 months (optimistic guess),it's almost impossible for the Wii to overtake the 360 this year,but next year is anybodys.
There's a time I like to call christmas, and don't think theydon't have spare supply for this special time of the year.
And where did you get that 12 million figure from? It sold 6 million in the US and 400,000 in Japan, from Media Create and NDP. I don't think they're anywhere near 6 million in Europe, more like 4 or 5 million.
[QUOTE="blacktorn"][QUOTE="IAmRodyle"][QUOTE="blacktorn"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="blacktorn"]It's impossible for the Wii system to take over 360 sales this year,that automatically makes it impossible for Mario galaxy to sell more than halo 3.Eponique
why is it impossible for the wii to over take 360 in overall sales this year?
Because they can't manufacture enough maybe?
They're dishing out 1.5 million Wiis a month. I'd say that's sufficient.
Ok at max they can produce around 1 million a month,they have sold around 7.5-8 to date.
360 has sold around 12 million.Let's assume Mario galaxy launches in November,that leaves 5 months for the Wii to catch up to 360 sales.So if the wii continues to sell out by then,it can only achieve a max no. sold at 12.5-13 million.
Halo 3 and gta IV should shift a million or two 360 later this year,so let's assume the 360 will sell 3 million in the next 5 months (optimistic guess),it's almost impossible for the Wii to overtake the 360 this year,but next year is anybodys.
There's a time I like to call christmas, and don't think they have spare supply for this special time of the year.
I doubt Halo 3 and GTA IV will also push two million 360's... It might push a million, at best.Well, Halo 2 sold 2.4 million copies in twenty-four hours; I expect Halo 3 to double that. Halo 3 will sell more this year, but in the long run, Ibelieve Mario will outsell it.
Well, Halo 2 sold 2.4 million copies in twenty-four hours; I expect Halo 3 to double that. Halo 3 will sell more this year, but in the long run, Ibelieve Mario will outsell it.
No game has ever had a 50% attatchment rate on a console, I don't think Halo would be the first either. It'd be lucky to pass 5 million by the end of this year. That's my guess.
Link please.Let's have a little history lesson, shall we?
Super Mario Bros. - 40.24 million sold
That's more than both Halos combined times two!
People used to buy systems for Mario games...that is not the case anymore. They(Nintendo systems) are now bought for cheap motion sensing thrills brought to life by mindless minigames. white_sox
well according to a previous thread, there are only about 5-8 party or minigame collections for the Wii.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Well, Halo 2 sold 2.4 million copies in twenty-four hours; I expect Halo 3 to double that. Halo 3 will sell more this year, but in the long run, Ibelieve Mario will outsell it.
No game has ever had a 50% attatchment rate on a console, I don't think Halo would be the first either. It'd be lucky to pass 5 million by the end of this year. That's my guess.
You're under the impression only 9.6 million Xbox 360's have been sold? And by September, it'll still be 9.6? Tell me you're joking. :|[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Well, Halo 2 sold 2.4 million copies in twenty-four hours; I expect Halo 3 to double that. Halo 3 will sell more this year, but in the long run, Ibelieve Mario will outsell it.
No game has ever had a 50% attatchment rate on a console, I don't think Halo would be the first either. It'd be lucky to pass 5 million by the end of this year. That's my guess.
You're under the impression only 9.6 million Xbox 360's have been sold? And by September, it'll still be 9.6? Tell me you're joking. :|10.5 million :) 11.5 by September, okay fine, change that to6 million :\
[QUOTE="blacktorn"][QUOTE="IAmRodyle"][QUOTE="blacktorn"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="blacktorn"]It's impossible for the Wii system to take over 360 sales this year,that automatically makes it impossible for Mario galaxy to sell more than halo 3.Eponique
why is it impossible for the wii to over take 360 in overall sales this year?
Because they can't manufacture enough maybe?
They're dishing out 1.5 million Wiis a month. I'd say that's sufficient.
Ok at max they can produce around 1 million a month,they have sold around 7.5-8 to date.
360 has sold around 12 million.Let's assume Mario galaxy launches in November,that leaves 5 months for the Wii to catch up to 360 sales.So if the wii continues to sell out by then,it can only achieve a max no. sold at 12.5-13 million.
Halo 3 and gta IV should shift a million or two 360 later this year,so let's assume the 360 will sell 3 million in the next 5 months (optimistic guess),it's almost impossible for the Wii to overtake the 360 this year,but next year is anybodys.
There's a time I like to call christmas, and don't think theydon't have spare supply for this special time of the year.
And where did you get that 12 million figure from? It sold 6 million in the US and 400,000 in Japan, from Media Create and NDP. I don't think they're anywhere near 6 million in Europe, more like 4 or 5 million.
What are you talking about? They don't save consoles just for Christmas.and the 360 number was a logical guess.
LOL... this is a funny topic... nothing will beat Halo 3 in sales this year... NOTHING!!! FACT!!!
P.S. I'll be getting Halo 3 and Super Mario Galaxy on their release dates.
[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="blacktorn"]Ok at max they can produce around 1 million a month,they have sold around 7.5-8 to date.360 has sold around 12 million.Let's assume Mario galaxy launches in November,that leaves 5 months for the Wii to catch up to 360 sales.So if the wii continues to sell out by then,it can only achieve a max no. sold at 12.5-13 million.
Halo 3 and gta IV should shift a million or two 360 later this year,so let's assume the 360 will sell 3 million in the next 5 months (optimistic guess),it's almost impossible for the Wii to overtake the 360 this year,but next year is anybodys.
There's a time I like to call christmas, and don't think theydon't have spare supply for this special time of the year.
And where did you get that 12 million figure from? It sold 6 million in the US and 400,000 in Japan, from Media Create and NDP. I don't think they're anywhere near 6 million in Europe, more like 4 or 5 million.
What are you talking about? They don't save consoles just for Christmas.and the 360 number was a logical guess.
Yes they do... Especially the DS, I wonder how they do 600,000 DSes per Christmas :o
[QUOTE="49erfanatic"]Link please.Let's have a little history lesson, shall we?
Super Mario Bros. - 40.24 million sold
That's more than both Halos combined times two!
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