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Well i don't see what it has going for it, not enough to warant these kids to say that it's the best thing they've played. I finished the game and it's not even in my top 250.
You're called the minority and no one cares what you have to say.
Whilst is it a great game it just feels really toned down compared to ME1 and ME1 wasn't even exactly the most indepth wrpg out there. I like it as a mostly TPS with RPG elements though.
Nice opinion. I didnt like the first at all but Im having more than my share of fun with me2. I think im already close to finishing it though which is disappointing.
When you think about it, System Wars works on opinions. Reviews by Gamespot/IGN/etc. are also opinions.Nice opinion. I didnt like the first at all but Im having more than my share of fun with me2. I think im already close to finishing it though which is disappointing.
I wouldn't know as I still have to finish the first lol. I am really wanting to get the game though and everyone talking about how great it is. As for best of the whole generation, for me I would still have to go with Fallout 3 on that one. Halo 3 and Uncharted 2 being honorable mentions as well. DA:O is pretty good from what I've played of it as well. Too many damn good games this gen.
I love it. my only regret is not doing a full Paragon playthrough for ME1, went back and replayed the last 30min (of ME1) so that my next ME2 game would have the Alien Council, and not the human empire. (and I can do a full Paragon run in ME2....and kind of makes a nice arc for Shepard going from a mean sob to kind galactic savior)
Either ME2 or Dragon Age. My two favorite games this gen.
Although, ME2 made some annoying changes. I dislike the new apporach to biotic cooldown times, and the limited powers. Plus, i miss the weapon selection.
Apart from that ME2 is imprived in every area, imo.
[QUOTE="mccoyca112"]When you think about it, System Wars works on opinions. Reviews by Gamespot/IGN/etc. are also opinions.Nice opinion. I didnt like the first at all but Im having more than my share of fun with me2. I think im already close to finishing it though which is disappointing.
You dont say? Voice of god topics dont fancy me so forgive me if I sound like a royal ass.
Yea the game is structured like Chrono Trigger. You could easily finish in 15 hours by fighting the final battle early on, but if you don't do the sidequests you're going to get a crappy ending. It took me 29 hours, and I know I skipped plenty of side stories, and I think I got a pretty decent ending.Nice opinion. I didnt like the first at all but Im having more than my share of fun with me2. I think im already close to finishing it though which is disappointing.
[QUOTE="Ragashahs"]Many PS3 fans state Uncharted 2 as being a top game this genertion, but its not really innovative or different than Uncharted 1. ME1 was unique, ME2 is it's sequel, it is fulyl capable of beign GOTY (exept for teh fact that its only january of 2010... so much time for other GOTY games to come out).first off i never mentioned uncharted 2 so i don't know why you mentioned it. secondly i agree with you Uncharted 2 is not a game of the generation. third me2 is not that unique gameplay wise it's basically gear of war/uncharted with powers that play a much smaller role. the level system/skill tree is extremely toned down to the point where it's barely even important. copy n past planet scavenger missions are now replaced with slightly less boring but still monotonous planet scanning missions. A lot less side missions, but even with that my number one complaint is the story. having played every bioware game the story leaves a lot to be desired for. they follow that same structure of EVERY bioware game ever made. Having said all that i still love the game similar to my feeling about uncharted 2 is a good but not amazing game does the core things it need to do right right but is not innovative nor unique enough to deserve the merit of game of the generation. it may sound like i have a lot of complaints about ME2 but the good greatly outweighs the badit's a great game but i don't think i'd think it's up their with the best of this generations. generally best games of generations are either innovative or extremely unique ME2 will great is neither innovative nor unique(especially if you've played any other bioware game) still an amazing game though
imo games like bioshock, COD4, assassins creed1&2, MGS4, LBP, super mario galaxy, and most recently batman AA would be games i classify as generation games. each of those games was either very innovative or fresh & unique
Hell no, where is this story all of you are talking about? Other the chasing down recruits and side missions what is the story? If there is one Im 19hrs in and dont give a crap about it yet.
Yea the game is structured like Chrono Trigger. You could easily finish in 15 hours by fighting the final battle early on, but if you don't do the sidequests you're going to get a crappy ending. It took me 29 hours, and I know I skipped plenty of side stories, and I think I got a pretty decent ending.[QUOTE="mccoyca112"]
Nice opinion. I didnt like the first at all but Im having more than my share of fun with me2. I think im already close to finishing it though which is disappointing.
I see. Well Im in that time frame you took to finish, more or less. Im on the "suicide mission", joy...Still, basically everything else is done which is why Im a little sad to see it end already. Guess I was just expecting it to be longer but if you and I are on the same wave link, then I guess I have to deal with it.
Many PS3 fans state Uncharted 2 as being a top game this genertion, but its not really innovative or different than Uncharted 1. ME1 was unique, ME2 is it's sequel, it is fulyl capable of beign GOTY (exept for teh fact that its only january of 2010... so much time for other GOTY games to come out).[QUOTE="Phazevariance"][QUOTE="Ragashahs"]
it's a great game but i don't think i'd think it's up their with the best of this generations. generally best games of generations are either innovative or extremely unique ME2 will great is neither innovative nor unique(especially if you've played any other bioware game) still an amazing game though
Innovation is an antiquated thing.
You don't it to be unique or different. Uncharted 2 took the Action/Adventure TPS and gave a clear exmples of how games should be made. It stands out from an arsenal of games to have been released this generation.
I'm sorry champ, would you run that first bit by me again? I'm not quite following.
Also, what makes Uncharted 2 "stand out from an arsenal of games" released this generation? It was a good sequel with solid gameplay and some very cool and well realised set pieces, but it isn't perfect, nor stunning in any department other than presentation.
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