I went against my better judgement and picked this up.
Firstly, to echo some sentiment: **** THAT PROLOGUE. Man alive. It exemplifies everything that is wrong with Kojima as a storyteller: he doesn't know when to stop and desperately needs an editor or someone to reel him in and say, "enough!". He holds no grasp of pacing or what is sufficient to get his point across, and that whole segment could've been accomplished with 50% of it trimmed off. If he took a writing course all of this would be somewhat tolerable, albeit still absurd.
After that, however, the game vastly improved. Mechanically, it's a marked improvement over its predecessors in nearly every aspect. Far from being the clunky mess that plagued the earlier games, actions now flow seamlessly into another, everything is laid out efficiently, the CQC finally feels like an organic, powerful exchange between two combatants instead of separate canned animations that are simply awkwardly mashed together, the camera work is nigh flawless, and the amount of polish is near Nintendo quality. The attention to detail is also astounding. Hideo may not be able to write his way out of a paper bag, but he sure as hell knows how to produce beautifully designed games. Fox Engine is a marvel and playing this is pure bliss. So far the A.I. has had some great moments, and there's been very few technical hiccups as far as I can tell. It's also great to have the story take a backseat (so far as I've seen) to gameplay.
Not too many gripes yet (I've yet to get far enough to encounter the grinding I hear is required if you don't pay out the nose in MTs for FOBs to expedite resource gathering), though I can't count how many times "Produced by Hideo Kojima" has flashed on screen in only a few hours, obviously Kojima giving himself some self-fellatio in aid of his ego. Is this really necessary after each episode?
Question, slight early game spoiler: Anyone know where to find the Russian interpreter? I'm on episode 3. Is it the engineer extraction, or another mission?
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