Let me start by saying I think this game looks fvcking fantastic!
But I'm really confused about the reactions its getting on t his board.
This is par for the course. This is what you typically get from a new MGS. They never push the tech side to the max, but they always do push it well. What they do lack on the tech side is made up for with styIe and a clever implementations of various effects.
There is not one particular aspect of this footage that screams OMG IMPOSIBRUUUU!!!!
The lighting is nothing special. The textures are nothing special. The shaders could actually use a bit of work. And while the in game character animation is certainly a big step up for MGS, its still nothing to go crazy over.
Modeling happens to be my expertise and I can tell you that there is nothing impressive about the geometry in the scene. You can still see faceting and hard edges in the silhouette. Not e the 16 sided cylinder used to model the rear view mirror: The obvious hard edges on the terrain geometry at a low angle. The hard edges around snakes shoulders and.... well his ass while in the prone. The buckling of the pre-simulated cloth animation due to low res geometry. This list goes on, but these are the obvious ones.
The models do look great, especially the character models. Dont get me wrong, they have a very talented team of artists and it shows.
All I'm saying is that the type of reactions here are unjustified. It seems many of you are simply caught up in the visual styIe, which is great! But you shouldn't let that fool you into over crediting the tech behind it.
It all comes together very well, but many of you (even hermits surprisingly enough) are overselling this footage.
The cloth animation on the rain coat was probably the best ive ever seen. The game looks amazing bar and you are also not taking into account that the enviorments are HUGE.
Actually I am. If the environments weren't so huge then I would truly be at a loss as to why people are going ape sh!t.
As for pre-baked cloth, it looks good, but far from the best. Hell, Borderlands 2 on PC is simulating cloth in real time and the meshes are much more dense. Anyways, don't take what I'm saying the wrong way, the cloth looks great and is more than sufficient for what is needed. I was merely using it as an example of the obviously low res geometry used throughout the demo.
Even Snakes facial hair is composed of planes with diffuse and opacity maps rather than dense geometry... which is fine! That's how its done in games at the moment, but its also another clear indicator that there is nothing "next gen" going on in the footage.
I agree that the game looks amazing! Its solid on the tech end and as usual they dont slack on styIe and presentation.
But I'm also just coming at this from a realistic point of view and the tech end is being blown out of proportion right now.
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