It does bother me that Gamespotknocks thegame for being toeasy and there was different difficulty settings. I beat the game on the high difficulty setting and it was quite good very tough and required me to replay the bosses a few times but very fun.Firelore29
I love MP3 but time and time again I have to dispute people who whine about harder difficulty levels. I would be that %99 of all gamers play games on the normal, defualt difficulty level. Hell, I've been gaming longer than most people here have been alive and I can count on one hand the number of games I've bothered playing on a harder difficulty level...and it was almost always more for curiosity sake than because I actually cared. And I HAVE beaten a large number of games more than once, just not on a different difficulty level.
Games should be reviewed based on the standard gameplay settings that the vast majority of people will use.
Having said that, I kind sort of see both sides. It cetainly does sound like they are contradicting themselves. But I am a huge Metroid Fan and Metroid 3 does seem way more like a FPS than the action/exploration game that Matroid Prime was. I normally don't like FPS but something about Metroid 3 I love playing. It's fast and fun and the game really moves from an action or plot standpoint, but still keeps just enough of the exploration roots to be a Metroid title.Maybe the reviewer felt it wasn't close enough to the roots.
I don't know. I read the reviews and think they are fair. I love Metroid 3 more than any other Metroid game purely because of the sweet controlls and fast paced gameplay while still feeling like Metroid. I'd recommend it to anyone, even fellow FPS haters like myself.
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