So after playing the incredible single player, I thought I would try out the MP. One of the first "inconveniences" is taking the time out to make a Konami ID. Is this really necessary? Why could they not keep the online uniform like other games?
Anyway, the second major drawback is the fact that there is no party system. How I am going to organize all my friends into one game? Oh yeah, I have to re-add all my friends again. Despite this major annoyances, I thought I would still give the game a chance.
After playing a couple rounds, the game is unbalanced. People are getting headshots more often than normal kills. There complications between my mic and the game, the maps are stale, getting into a match is confusing.
So ultimately I was disappointed with Metal Gear Online. After the unmatched single player experience, i thought the MP would be at least half as good.
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