First of all, I have to mention that I've got both consoles and both games. Apparently, MGS4 seems to be PS3 boy's golden game as where Gears of War seems to be Xbox 360 boy's golden game.
My reviews for these games were:
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 10/10
Why do I define MGS 4 to be a perfect game? Well, the reason is, as for me it doesn't miss anything. However the highest points comes from the BEST storyline and storytelling EVER in games history. The second highest points comes from the GREAT gameplay, okay people may say Gears of War invented this idea first, but in my honest opinion, MGS4 implemented it better. Why? Because it doesn't just focus on the shooting, it focuses in the whole view, the whole picture which makes the shooting and everything feel by far more realistic, fun and clear. MGS4 misses the co-op that Gears of War has, but I don't think it'd fit on the MGS games, allthough it for sure wouldn't be minus either. Then the amazing graphics, best I've seen on PS3. There's a lot more to be said, but this is a short review and I hope you got my point. :)
Gears of War 7/10
Why is Gears of War not as good as MGS? Well, many of you say it's a lame theory to say the story is not good. Compared to MGS4 however, I must SAY it does suck. MGS4 would be a 8/10 without the amazing story. And also, this game has nice graphics, but it is pretty much screwed by the darkness in most parts. This game however has a co-op and it's always a plus, but it's done quite badly. Horizonal view sucks for me, also the moving AS in single campaing in co-op feels like you're in a tiny box and trying to move around, but you can feel you're moving in a cage and it takes the feel of fun away. Anyways this game's a bloodbath and its a DAMN GOOD THING! XD
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