Opinions, opinions abound.
So, here's mine.. lol. If MGS4 does go to the 360, much like Twin Snakes and MGS2: Substance, it'll be taken on by another developer without Kojima's involvement. Why? He doesn't like ports.. and he creates games with one console in mind at a time.
That's why many felt Twin Snakes, for the Cube, and Substance, for the XBOX, were lack luster compared to their original counterparts.. because they failed to have Kojima's backing.
And, though TTT was a good game.. I still think it fails in comparison to the original that appeared on the PSone many moons ago. So, since Kojima created MGS4, from the ground up, specifically for the PS3.. some company, outside of his own AND without his direction, will port the game to another system.. that's a recipe for a mediocre game, I think.
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