i don't understand how this game is heaped with praise when almost every explanation for everything in the game is either nanomachines or computer AIs.
for reference, YES, i have played all the other MGS games, and i know what i am talking about when i say that MGS4 has a bad story. coming off of MGS3 and 1 which had semi-decent narratives, here you have a story that is composed of incoherent ramblings and babbling nonsense that would make any 6th grade utterly confused.
[spoiler] case in point: the scene where naomi dies. what the hell. why does she kill the nanomachines suppressing her cancer--that cancer being the king of deus ex machinas, as it gives way to a convenient death and overly dramatic (and terribly acted) "sad scene"--right after otacon, raiden, and snake save her ass from a bisexual vampire? it's stupid, it's contrived, and it's downright silly. everyone calls this moment so sad, but it was goddamn ridiculous seeing otacon cry like a little baby while naomi an heroed, this whole farce being drawn out for nearly five minutes when all i wanted to do was tear ass with metal gear rex. cutscenes usually relax me from tense gameplay, but these cutscenes frustrate and irritate me immensely. [/spoiler]
why is this game given such accolades when everyone knows the narrative is among the worst in gaming? all plot devices are either cliched, silly, contrived, or told through fantastic repetition.
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