The Xbox 360 is for everyone, not just 'mature gamers'.
And what the heck is a "mature console'? Is it 100 years old or something?
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The Xbox 360 is for everyone, not just 'mature gamers'.
And what the heck is a "mature console'? Is it 100 years old or something?
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]no link, awkward wording, random comment about germany. what is this.LastRambo341The Xbox 360 is for everyone, not just 'mature gamers'. And what the heck is a "mature console'? Is it 100 years old or something?
I didn't know mature = old...
I have to admit this is a worrying sign... good lord Microsoft way to signal your feelings about a mature console for mature gamers... what is this the new wii? What next friend codes and motion controls and copycat party games.
Who cares about avatars holding guns anyway? Not me.
Guns don't define a mature gamer.
and since when was a console allowed to be ****fied as 'Mature' anyway?
They should just ban people with usernames that go like this...
So you don't think this move has ANYTHING to do with microsoft's push in the casual market?[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
Who cares? The avatars are completely stupid to begin with, and the people that spend REAL money on fake cartoon avatar clothing are even more stupid. It doesn't surprise me that MS hates guns, they own MSNBC which is extreame liberal commie land, they hate guns. But MS as a company is very fiscally conservative, they just run it to make money.
lol casual and hardcore are jokes, it's a freakin hobby. But yes they are going after a different audience now, I still don't see what the big deal is. All there exclusives are filled with guns, so what's the big deal?I don't think this means anything really.
Pretty much this. If you want to 'play with guns', get a license (in US) or play a shooter...Way to alienate your main fanbase of shooter nuts, a fanbase you have basically built the consoles name on...
They should just ban people with usernames that go like this...
or iPro / iPwn
your meme is unfunny and makes you look like a looser.
This is stupid, but not surprising considernig the big Kinect Family push, the lack of retail 1st party core games.SolidTy
How does this make any sense with MS getting rid of guns for avatars? :?
It's an issue MS has hardly any first party games, but to use it as a reason for the topic of this thread...I just don't understand.
They should just ban people with usernames that go like this...
I can't tell you the amount of times these people yell in annoyance when I call out their names the way it is spelled. the whole "xX****Xx" thing is just silly.
So how does this make sense? They are going to alienate a large portion of their core audience just to try and win the mommy vote? It's an Xbox you morons not an iTampon. Will all Avatars be required to have a Rainbow Peggle Unicorn in them next?
so now developers cannot release their traditional Gears, Halo, COD etc. avatars LMAO.
XBL just gets lamer and lamer, you pay 60 bucks and you won't even be able to use something as simple as your favorite game avatars ?
MS has become the Soccer Mom's b****.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]It's pretty fair to be honest. Sure, not everyone is a kid, but what if you are? Should young kids playing young games really be seeing colorful dancing avatars holding machine guns with chainsaws attached to them? It's not really appropriate, especially when the ability to play as your avatar is included with a lot of child-friendly games these days. ShadowMoses900
Then it's the parents responsibility, don't punish everyone else who wants to waste their hard earned money on stupid guns for stupid cartooncharecters. Parents have to be in control, not the Xbox. Of course this is the Xbox we are talking about,it's full of racistlittle kids andparents thatdon't give a damn.
You're saying it is the parents responsibility to do what, exactly? Stop their children from playing KIDS games, because adults might also play them with chainsaw-wielding avatars?[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Mature console for mature gamers... Goes on Xbox Live and hears 12 year olds swearing into their mics.... Oh boy.Frostbite24*Goes on PSN and hears a 12 year olds swearing into their mics....Rut Roh. I think it is rather absurd that people don't realize or deny this same exact thing happens on PSN. I think it comes from the fact hardly anyone on PS3 uses a mic, although it is hilarious getting into a message fight with a little boy who calls me a **** because i headshot him 5 times in a row. The Report Abuse button is just the best thing ever, it's great knowing his mappacks and games are wasted because he couldn't accept i was better than him that day.
*Goes on PSN and hears a 12 year olds swearing into their mics....Rut Roh. I think it is rather absurd that people don't realize or deny this same exact thing happens on PSN. I think it comes from the fact hardly anyone on PS3 uses a mic, although it is hilarious getting into a message fight with a little boy who calls me a **** because i headshot him 5 times in a row. The Report Abuse button is just the best thing ever, it's great knowing his mappacks and games are wasted because he couldn't accept i was better than him that day.[QUOTE="Frostbite24"][QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Mature console for mature gamers... Goes on Xbox Live and hears 12 year olds swearing into their mics.... Oh boy.JohnF111
Uncharted 3 has the most mic usage I've heard since Halo TWO.
They should just ban people with usernames that go like this...
I can't tell you the amount of times these people yell in annoyance when I call out their names the way it is spelled. the whole "xX****Xx" thing is just silly.
I think it's usually because the name is already taken. Not because they wanted it that way :3[QUOTE="Heirren"]
They should just ban people with usernames that go like this...
I can't tell you the amount of times these people yell in annoyance when I call out their names the way it is spelled. the whole "xX****Xx" thing is just silly.
I think it's usually because the name is already taken. Not because they wanted it that way :3I figured, but that's the thing--the name is taken! Pick a different name
I think it's usually because the name is already taken. Not because they wanted it that way :3[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"]
I can't tell you the amount of times these people yell in annoyance when I call out their names the way it is spelled. the whole "xX****Xx" thing is just silly.
I figured, but that's the thing--the name is taken! Pick a different name
Hmm I have to play devilcat and say that picking a name can take a lot of time. I tend to think of about 20 names that are taken before finding one that isn't, and usually it's not one that is satisfying enough, so I go back and create more names. It's quite a hassle, unless you take a fantasy name but for me that is like giving up.i would, but i'm not 'merican[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="DraugenCP"]
Quick, someone bring up the first amendment,
I think it's 'murrcun.
It's actually "American". In reference to America, the nation with the largest GDP on earth, followed by China with a GDP less than half of America and a population 5x larger. It's also the country that invented microprocessors and the internet (along with most other major inventions of the 20th century such as airplanes, atomic energy, etc), thus making forums such as these possible.[QUOTE="DraugenCP"][QUOTE="BrunoBRS"] i would, but i'm not 'mericanBruin1986
I think it's 'murrcun.
It's actually "American". In reference to America, the nation with the largest GDP on earth, followed by China with a GDP less than half of America and a population 5x larger. It's also the country that invented microprocessors and the internet (along with most other major inventions of the 20th century such as airplanes, atomic energy, etc), thus making forums such as these possible. America and China are not countries, Russians invented the Internet, and atomic energy was discovered in Canada by Rutherford, a British physicist. I guess education isn't one of "America's" strong suit.Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
Actually, the kids are the ones playing the shooters. Maybe they'll ban Modern Warfare?
Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
Actually, the kids are the ones playing the shooters. Maybe they'll ban Modern Warfare?
Oh I thought the kids were the ones playing Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster :roll:
Yeah there are a ton of annoying kids on a mic but a kid playing MW and an Avatar having a gun is not the same thing.
Oh that is hogwash. Society babies children far too much. When I was younger there was GI Joe, Transformers, He-Man, ect. Kids would pretend army with toy guns or space fighters or whatever. Now kids can not even look at a gun, no scoring during kids soccer, every damn thing is baby proofed, play dates, some schools will not even allow teachers to use a red pen because it hurts the child's feelings, and so on. A kid is not going to look at a fake gun on a xbox avatar and think oh crap I need to shoot someone. Society is turning our boys into pansy girls.Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
Oh that is hogwash. Society babies children far too much. When I was younger there was GI Joe, Transformers, He-Man, ect. Kids would pretend army with toy guns or space fighters or whatever. Now kids can not even look at a gun, no scoring during kids soccer, every damn thing is baby proofed, play dates, some schools will not even allow teachers to use a red pen because it hurts the child's feelings, and so on. A kid is not going to look at a fake gun on a xbox avatar and think oh crap I need to shoot someone. Society is turning our boys into pansy girls.agree.[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]
Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
when did kids start going to schools and shooting the place up? after they made it a crime to get in a schoolyard scuffle and settle the matter with fists.
without those minor scuffles kids just eat humiliation after humiliation until they can't take it anymore and go batshyt crazy.
[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]Oh that is hogwash. Society babies children far too much. When I was younger there was GI Joe, Transformers, He-Man, ect. Kids would pretend army with toy guns or space fighters or whatever. Now kids can not even look at a gun, no scoring during kids soccer, every damn thing is baby proofed, play dates, some school will not even allow teachers to use a red pen because it hurts the child's feelings,ect. A kid is not going to look at a fake gun on a avatar and think oh crap I need to shoot someone. Society is turning our boys into pansy girls.Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
Yeah I'm sorry but a gun is not a kid friendly thing. A gun is meant to kill a person and a little kid has no grasp of what killing a person is like or what it looks like to watch someone die or even about the concept of death itself. Would you like to show kids uncensored clips of killings? Would that toughen them up? No actually, let's show them people actually dying since it would be more realistic :roll:You hardly seem like you have a grasp about this yourself. I get it, playing soldier and watching violent things isn't something new to western culture. It doesn't change the fact that 5 year old and younger kids don't need to see guns on market place, its not as though this is something that is damaging to the Xbox brand as a whole. Its just a bunch of whiny babies acting like taking away their virtual guns is a crime. Sucks to be you.
As far as the rest, no kids really don't need to be exposed to guns, what on earth do they need gun exposure for. You notice how in transformers no one actually dies in the fashion a real gun kills? Its because its a kids show primarily. No scoring during soccer is something else entirely. Its called being a gracious winner. There is no real need to destroy a team 13-0. It makes no difference besides exerting that you are the best team like a prick there is nothing to be gained by that score, you're not turning pro in house league soccer, its suppose to be fun :roll:
The red pen philosphy in itself is something that isn't even about protecting children's feelings, no one gives a shiit about that. Its actually about the illusion of results being produced put on the government. Anyway, this is stupid, raise your kid exposed to violent things if you wish but in the end being a "pansy girl" (man you're immature) is irrelevant to the majority of peoples lives. Most people are too busy surviving to give a shiit about some idiotic perception of their "manhood".
Oh that is hogwash. Society babies children far too much. When I was younger there was GI Joe, Transformers, He-Man, ect. Kids would pretend army with toy guns or space fighters or whatever. Now kids can not even look at a gun, no scoring during kids soccer, every damn thing is baby proofed, play dates, some schools will not even allow teachers to use a red pen because it hurts the child's feelings, and so on. A kid is not going to look at a fake gun on a xbox avatar and think oh crap I need to shoot someone. Society is turning our boys into pansy girls.agree.[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]
Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
when did kids start going to schools and shooting the place up? after they made it a crime to get in a schoolyard scuffle and settle the matter with fists.
without those minor scuffles kids just eat humiliation after humiliation until they can't take it anymore and go batshyt crazy.
The idea that when you have a problem you should settle it with your fists is idiotic. What do you gain from that? Fighting is a defensive measure, who the hell wants to fight everytime they have a problem? I agree sometimes one just wants to get out there aggression physically. Go take boxing then, it'll be a better use of your energy. If you think fighting is going to help you get rid of your humiliation, wait until you lose every scuffle, now on top of being humiliated you're gonna get your ass kicked :| Most shiit starters don't pick fights they aren't sure they can win. Nothing more embarrassing then starting shiit and losing.
Next up MS will ban giant swords from avatars and you will see sheep outraging even though they don't own 360's.
Friendcodes is what I was thinking.Next up MS will ban giant swords from avatars and you will see sheep outraging even though they don't own 360's.
Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
Actually, the kids are the ones playing the shooters. Maybe they'll ban Modern Warfare?
Oh I thought the kids were the ones playing Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster :roll:
Kids play that too. In regards to MW, I meant barely legal to drive kids.
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