Next up MS will ban giant swords from avatars and you will see sheep outraging even though they don't own 360's.
I think Lightsabers, scary pets and female avatars without a head covering on a sunday. :P
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Next up MS will ban giant swords from avatars and you will see sheep outraging even though they don't own 360's.
I think Lightsabers, scary pets and female avatars without a head covering on a sunday. :P
I have to admit this is a worrying sign... good lord Microsoft way to signal your feelings about a mature console for mature gamers... what is this the new wii? What next friend codes and motion controls and copycat party games.
Oh no! teh gunz are banned from avatars on XBL!
Did I mention TC? Having a gun on your XBL avatar does not make you a "Mature" gamer. It makes you a gamer with a gun on your XBL avatar.
Who cares? The avatars are completely stupid to begin with, and the people that spend REAL money on fake cartoon avatar clothing are even more stupid. It doesn't surprise me that MS hates guns, they own MSNBC which is extreame liberal commie land, they hate guns. But MS as a company is very fiscally conservative, they just run it to make money.
It takes effort to be this dumb.
I don't see the big deal. I can't imagine anyone here cares about losing that.
We already knew Microsoft was steering towards the Kinect crowd so this recent development doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know.
a little kid has no grasp of what killing a person is likeActicEdge
I'd say this this is true for a large majority of adults as well.
Why banning avatar guns when they can ban the s*itty avatars? Such a useless and fugly feature.silversix_Don't you talk to my avatar that way! He's downright sexy. Words hurt you know.
It's pretty fair to be honest. Sure, not everyone is a kid, but what if you are? Should young kids playing young games really be seeing colorful dancing avatars holding machine guns with chainsaws attached to them? It's not really appropriate, especially when the ability to play as your avatar is included with a lot of child-friendly games these days. Ninja-HippoKids play with nerf guns all the time. In fact I just got my step-son a neft long-rifle... ages 6+ it says on the box. and he is 6.. He asked for it for X-mas, and loves it. He is mature enough to know not to shoot in the face and that real guns are see parents who spend time with their kids teach them RIGHT AND WRONG.. and those kids know better, than the kids who are sheltered and don't have any knowledge except what their older cousin or friend Timmy tells them. Kids like guns.
I know I watched tons of GI-JOE, Transformers, the A-Team and Action gun toting movies from the 80's when I was a kid just like all my friends...and we didn't go around shooting people. Hell the video games back then had guns.. Contra, all the Shmups, Rambo, Metriod, and light gun games... Hogan's alley, duck hunt etc... Remember the grey Zapper they turned orange lame. Anyway the point is little boys like guns and gun shows.. its part of being a boy and having the maie gene. Look at cartoons today...a bunch of crap with no guns or any good storylines... I can still watch cartoons from the 80s but the ones today are crap... all cutsie and mind numbing my step kids watch on disney and nick.
M$ is pandering to the oprah crowd of liberals trying to get more casuals on board...One more sign of them abandoning their original fanbase. The signs where here back in late 08' when they sold so many 1st party devs off, and has continued every year.. .Lemmings won't admit it though.
Good move!! I'd do the same, except I never owned an xbox 360 as I was always a PC and PS gamer and never seen the need or the point to owning one.Don't they have ads for violent video games, as well as loads of violent video games on the MS marketplace. Wouldn't they have to take all those down? What would be the point of just taking a way guns from avatars.. It's not like the avatars are in your face all the time. I don't get this move at all.
This is just another example of MS abandoning their core userbase and trying to get as many casual gamers on board as possible. Which is why I totally sold my XBOX360 and kept my PS3.
Oh that is hogwash. Society babies children far too much. When I was younger there was GI Joe, Transformers, He-Man, ect. Kids would pretend army with toy guns or space fighters or whatever. Now kids can not even look at a gun, no scoring during kids soccer, every damn thing is baby proofed, play dates, some schools will not even allow teachers to use a red pen because it hurts the child's feelings, and so on. A kid is not going to look at a fake gun on a xbox avatar and think oh crap I need to shoot someone. Society is turning our boys into pansy girls. This exactly!!!My step son got in trouble in school for playing fake gun shooting imaginary zombies with his classmates at recess...using their hands to imagine guns. We did crap like that all the time as kids, playing man-hunt, cowboys and Indians and watching real cartoons like GI-JOE and transformers not the crap they spew today, icarly and fineas and ferb...give me a break! My wife had to go talk to the teacher, it was messed up. I told him he had to lay off the fake gun playing at school recese. So aparently make belive is banned in shcools now too.[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]
Frankly this isn't even a bad thing. Xbox live isn't restricted to just adults and teenagers. Kids can use it too and a gun isn't a very kid friendly thing. You guys can play with guns in all your rated M shooters you love so much.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]no link, awkward wording, random comment about germany. what is this.juliankennedy23
I couldn't get the link in post there are dozens on Google news. Germany highly restricts videogame content. There is no randomness in the comment. I choose not to live in Germany I certainly don't expect to be treated like a German.
yea cause my people are treated so damn bad :roll:[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Mature console for mature gamers... Goes on Xbox Live and hears 12 year olds swearing into their mics.... Oh boy.Frostbite24*Goes on PSN and hears a 12 year olds swearing into their mics....Rut Roh. I think it is rather absurd that people don't realize or deny this same exact thing happens on PSN.
I don't play on PSN at all really(except for Dark Souls, but you can't hear anyone talk anyway), so I wouldn't know.
I think it's rather absurd that people just assume things when they have no idea what they are talking about. I believe it may be the same, but then again, I wouldn't know, so I don't make stupid assumptions like some people.
OK even if Microsoft is trying to appeal to casuals and kids more. What's the problem if they see s gun avatar? Are they trying to imply if a kid sees a picture of a gun he will go and get one and start killing people? The censorship in the gaming industry is starting to get out of hand.
On what purpose were Avatars even created? Seriously... I don't see a 35 years old dude spending time on a f*cking kiddy looking avatar that does nothing else than spin its stupid looking head. Avatars should be an optional download, i would never dld this bs -.-silversix_now now avatar games are fun,castle miner Z be one of them
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]no link, awkward wording, random comment about germany. what is this.almasdeathchild
I couldn't get the link in post there are dozens on Google news. Germany highly restricts videogame content. There is no randomness in the comment. I choose not to live in Germany I certainly don't expect to be treated like a German.
yea cause my people are treated so damn bad :roll:When it comes to videogames Germans are treated like little children.
yea cause my people are treated so damn bad :roll:[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]
I couldn't get the link in post there are dozens on Google news. Germany highly restricts videogame content. There is no randomness in the comment. I choose not to live in Germany I certainly don't expect to be treated like a German.
When it comes to videogames Germans are treated like little children.
goo goo freaking ga ga.still 100x better then psn ;)[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]
And you Xbox losers have to pay for Live
I won't dispute that. PSN is terrible.
indeed,still i will laugh at people who complain about 4.99$ monthly fees[QUOTE="IPWNDU2"]
[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]still 100x better then psn ;)
I won't dispute that. PSN is terrible.
indeed,still i will laugh at people who complain about 4.99$ monthly fees Really? You realize that if you bought xbox back in 2005-2006 and kept live around all that time you would of payed $360-400 extra just for the "abliilty" to play online with games you already paid for, on an internet you already paid for, yet this "Tax, fee, disgrace..." is FREE everywhere else. I just don't get it. I bet actually if all your "friends" were on Psn or PC you wouldn't be so keen on paying over Double for a console just to play online.[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]indeed,still i will laugh at people who complain about 4.99$ monthly fees Really? You realize that if you bought xbox back in 2005-2006 and kept live around all that time you would of payed $360-400 extra just for the "abliilty" to play online with games you already paid for, on an internet you already paid for, yet this "Tax, fee, disgrace..." is FREE everywhere else. I just don't get it. I bet actually if all your "friends" were on Psn or PC you wouldn't be so keen on paying over Double for a console just to play online. Listen to what you just said. $360. For *seven years*.[QUOTE="IPWNDU2"]
I won't dispute that. PSN is terrible.
Unless you live a life of poverty nobody is going to complain about that. Xbox live is not 'just the ability to play'. It's high time microsoft introduced a free version which allowed you to play online, but then i can understand them not wanting to release a watered down version of their platform.
Would i rather it was free? Absolutely. Do i feel like i'm not getting value for money? Quite the opposite. It's a decent service with a ridiculous amount of content and it runs smooth as butter 99.9% of the time, and unlike other services, it's constantly being expanded, adjusted and improved. The stuff live offers today compared to what it was on launch? It's a totally different beast.
Really? You realize that if you bought xbox back in 2005-2006 and kept live around all that time you would of payed $360-400 extra just for the "abliilty" to play online with games you already paid for, on an internet you already paid for, yet this "Tax, fee, disgrace..." is FREE everywhere else. I just don't get it. I bet actually if all your "friends" were on Psn or PC you wouldn't be so keen on paying over Double for a console just to play online. Listen to what you just said. $360. For *seven years*.[QUOTE="Midnightshade29"][QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]indeed,still i will laugh at people who complain about 4.99$ monthly fees
Unless you live a life of poverty nobody is going to complain about that. Xbox live is not 'just the ability to play'. It's high time microsoft introduced a free version which allowed you to play online, but then i can understand them not wanting to release a watered down version of their platform.
Would i rather it was free? Absolutely. Do i feel like i'm not getting value for money? Quite the opposite. It's a decent service with a ridiculous amount of content and it runs smooth as butter 99.9% of the time, and unlike other services, it's constantly being expanded, adjusted and improved. The stuff live offers today compared to what it was on launch? It's a totally different beast.
i can walk in my living room and turn on my ps3, get on the starhawk beta in a matter of seconds and enjoy myself all for free, if your paying to play your games online then your getting rip off.yea cause my people are treated so damn bad :roll:[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]
I couldn't get the link in post there are dozens on Google news. Germany highly restricts videogame content. There is no randomness in the comment. I choose not to live in Germany I certainly don't expect to be treated like a German.
When it comes to videogames Germans are treated like little children.
It's hardly a big deal, they can import from the UK and I believe it works out around the same price :P (not German)i can walk in my living room and turn on my ps3, get on the starhawk beta in a matter of seconds and enjoy myself all for free, if your paying to play your games online then your getting rip off.Chris_Williams
Do you also get weekly deals,cloud storage and cross game chat for free on the PS3?
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]i can walk in my living room and turn on my ps3, get on the starhawk beta in a matter of seconds and enjoy myself all for free, if your paying to play your games online then your getting rip off.waltefmoney
Do you also get weekly deals,cloud storage and cross game chat for free on the PS3?
weekly deals, yep cloud storage, if you really want it thats what psn plus is for 60 dollars a month for cross game chat doesn't really interest me all i care about is playing online and if i wanna play a game and talk to my friends at the same time, well i'll just hop on steam, i have options, FREE optionsweekly deals, yep cloud storage, if you really want it thats what psn plus is for 60 dollars a month for cross game chat doesn't really interest me all i care about is playing online and if i wanna play a game and talk to my friends at the same time, well i'll just hop on steam, i have options, FREE optionsChris_Williams
So you're attacking XBL and defending PSN by bringing in Steam?
cloud storage, if you really want it thats what psn plus is forChris_Williams
So what you're saying is.. XBL Gold members are getting ripped off for paying for online play, cloud storage and cross game chat, but if you want cloud storage - get PSN plus.
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]weekly deals, yep cloud storage, if you really want it thats what psn plus is for 60 dollars a month for cross game chat doesn't really interest me all i care about is playing online and if i wanna play a game and talk to my friends at the same time, well i'll just hop on steam, i have options, FREE optionswaltefmoney
So you're attacking XBL and defending PSN by bringing in Steam?
cloud storage, if you really want it thats what psn plus is forChris_Williams
So what you're saying is.. XBL Gold members are getting ripped off for paying for online play, cloud storage and cross game chat, but if you want cloud storage - get PSN plus.
psn and steam are other options rather then xbox live and their both free, so yeah i'm bringing in free options into this debate, XBL gold members are paying that fee to play their games online, i guarantee you if microsoft made silver accounts to have online play alot of gold members would drop their subscriptions in favor of silver, so yeah you guys are paying for cloud storage and cross game chats, there is nothing wrong with that, thats your money, do what you will with it, but imo your being ripped off by Live. Also you can back up your ps3 files to any storage device, cloud storage is basically useless to mepsn and steam are other options rather then xbox live and their both free, so yeah i'm bringing in free options into this debate, XBL gold members are paying that fee to play their games online, i guarantee you if microsoft made silver accounts to have online play alot of gold members would drop their subscriptions in favor of silver, so yeah you guys are paying for cloud storage and cross game chats, there is nothing wrong with that, thats your money, do what you will with it, but imo your being ripped off by Live. Also you can back up your ps3 files to any storage device, cloud storage is basically useless to meChris_Williams
But you specifically said..
i can walk in my living room and turn on my ps3Chris_Williams
So either they ported the full fledged version of Steam to the PS3 or you were wrong initially.
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]psn and steam are other options rather then xbox live and their both free, so yeah i'm bringing in free options into this debate, XBL gold members are paying that fee to play their games online, i guarantee you if microsoft made silver accounts to have online play alot of gold members would drop their subscriptions in favor of silver, so yeah you guys are paying for cloud storage and cross game chats, there is nothing wrong with that, thats your money, do what you will with it, but imo your being ripped off by Live. Also you can back up your ps3 files to any storage device, cloud storage is basically useless to mewaltefmoney
But you specifically said..
i can walk in my living room and turn on my ps3Chris_Williams
So either they ported the full fledged version of Steam to the PS3 or you were wrong initially.
see, now your trying to avoid my post, cross game chat, i don't even have to get out of my bed for that, thats on my laptop, online play is free on the psn, thats all i care about, i don't need cloud storage because i have a hard drive which i can back up my files so paying 60 dollars just to do that seems dumb to me.Very silly, though I'm more concerned for those that bought the avatar items and now are left with nothing. lbjkurono23Don't be. They're not being removed, simply becoming unavailable for purchase.
[QUOTE="lbjkurono23"]Very silly, though I'm more concerned for those that bought the avatar items and now are left with nothing. RavensmashDon't be. They're not being removed, simply becoming unavailable for purchase. Well that isn't so bad.
see, now your trying to avoid my post, cross game chat, i don't even have to get out of my bed for that, thats on my laptop, online play is free on the psn, thats all i care about, i don't need cloud storage because i have a hard drive which i can back up my files so paying 60 dollars just to do that seems dumb to me. Chris_Williams
Fair enough I guess. Though saying "you people are getting ripped off because you're paying for stuff that even the premium version of PSN doesn't have" sounds kinda silly.
[QUOTE="DraugenCP"][QUOTE="BrunoBRS"] i would, but i'm not 'mericanBruin1986
I think it's 'murrcun.
It's actually "American". In reference to America, the nation with the largest GDP on earth, followed by China with a GDP less than half of America and a population 5x larger. It's also the country that invented microprocessors and the internet (along with most other major inventions of the 20th century such as airplanes, atomic energy, etc), thus making forums such as these possible.I guess sarcasm detectors were invented somewhere else then.
[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]indeed,still i will laugh at people who complain about 4.99$ monthly fees Really? You realize that if you bought xbox back in 2005-2006 and kept live around all that time you would of payed $360-400 extra just for the "abliilty" to play online with games you already paid for, on an internet you already paid for, yet this "Tax, fee, disgrace..." is FREE everywhere else. I just don't get it. I bet actually if all your "friends" were on Psn or PC you wouldn't be so keen on paying over Double for a console just to play online.i do own a ps3 i enjoy the single players,and i play online too on my pc,i enjoy 360 better.idc what my friends get i like the system more then the others,so again i still laugh at people who complain about 4.99$ amonth,when those who do complain make more money then i do[QUOTE="IPWNDU2"]
I won't dispute that. PSN is terrible.
[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]Oh that is hogwash. Society babies children far too much. When I was younger there was GI Joe, Transformers, He-Man, ect. Kids would pretend army with toy guns or space fighters or whatever. Now kids can not even look at a gun, no scoring during kids soccer, every damn thing is baby proofed, play dates, some schools will not even allow teachers to use a red pen because it hurts the child's feelings, and so on. A kid is not going to look at a fake gun on a xbox avatar and think oh crap I need to shoot someone. Society is turning our boys into pansy girls.
when did kids start going to schools and shooting the place up? after they made it a crime to get in a schoolyard scuffle and settle the matter with fists.
without those minor scuffles kids just eat humiliation after humiliation until they can't take it anymore and go batshyt crazy.
The idea that when you have a problem you should settle it with your fists is idiotic. What do you gain from that? Fighting is a defensive measure, who the hell wants to fight everytime they have a problem? I agree sometimes one just wants to get out there aggression physically. Go take boxing then, it'll be a better use of your energy. If you think fighting is going to help you get rid of your humiliation, wait until you lose every scuffle, now on top of being humiliated you're gonna get your ass kicked :| Most shiit starters don't pick fights they aren't sure they can win. Nothing more embarrassing then starting shiit and losing.
What are you? A psychiatrist? :SPlease Log In to post.
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