I found this users opinion on Kotaku and found it very interesting and somewhat justified:
"The more I think about this... the more irritated I become. Not at Rockstar. I don't think this title is offensive at all... even if the main character Tony turns out to be some FABULOUSLY overdone stereo type.
No.... this get's me irritated at MS for their very militant stance against allowing their members to ever use the word gay or lesbian in their gamertags OR personal bio's.
Obviously the very fact that MS is allowing this content to be released over XBL is, in and of itself, a blatant admission that the word gay is not profane or offensive to the larger community. Yet paying members have had forced tag changes, suspensions and bans for using this very same word in their profiles and tags.
They're not dumb... of course their COC completely covers when they suspend people. However... a human MS policy enforcement employee personally reviews every tag and bio complaint filed. It's not that hard to tell the difference between what's profane and abusive context and what isn't. They have to make the same judgement calls about other words and issues every day, I feel certain.
Technically a gamertag like "Lady Warrior" SHOULD be considered as much against TOS as the gamertag.... ohhhh.... let's say..... GAY Tony." There IS a clause of XBL TOS that specifically states that noone can create a gamertag that can "incite bigotry." How many of you have never heard a woman getting crap online just for being a woman?
"Lady Warrior" is quite aware that there are going to jerks on XBL who will give her crap just for being female.... but she gets to make that choice. Why don't LGBT members get the same choice?"
Personallly, due to the fact that this is DLC that Microsoft shelled out 50 million dollars to be developed, I believe they share responsibility for the naming of the DLC. To allow the word in a game name but not a gamertag can be seen as two-faced. What do you guys think?
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