LOL, I must have struck a nerve, somebody is BUTTHURT.
The X1 compared to 360 at this similar period, is doing quite well actually. Even better. MS have already reversed their policies, VERY QUICKLY, a complete opposite if you look at the PS3's miserable early months, which took them 2-3 years to get their asses in gear. Get over yourself, that or try cutting down from Kaz's protein milkshakes.
And you DON'T know anything about competition. Indeed its a Dog eat Dog industry and something bigger and better shows up. That's where the Original XBOX came in and took everybody by surprise. Gaming needs competition. Without the original XBOX, your PS platform would not have evolved into what it is today....a console having a HDD, having a decent Online Service (which still pales compared to XBL), having Trophies, having a controller with finally decent "triggers" and having a powerful Hardware. Original XBOX and 360 swept the floor with the PS2 and PS3 in Hardware design. And now, Sony has ditched the Cell. Halo inspired Killzone, a franchise dubbed as the "Halo Killer" and Forza gave GT a run for it's money.
All 3 consoles keep each other in check. All 3 consoles need a symbiotic relationship. If you can't figure that out, same as the rest of you rabid fanboys, then I suggest you guys bury heads up to your asses.
Let me tell you why you're wrong.
1. PS2 had a hard drive for games like SOCOM and FFXI among others. XBox didn't exactly change the course of history with that. More on this later.
2. Nintendo had triggers and analogs, that's not an XBox thing.
3. Online service and trophies are partially what's wrong with XBox. MSes push there artificially inflated the budgets needed for running gaming and introduced an almost unnatural evolution. One which is being over-monetized today with things like service fees, DLC and optional content for revenue.
4. PS1 was also a very developer-friendly architecture. PS4 is a return to Playstations roots.
5. Halo and KillZone aren't really all that compared to the FPSes on PC. Besides, Halo is now an outsourced franchise for all intents and purposes. Just a sign of how much MS has abandoned its direction.
PC did all of this. PC gaming is where MS got pretty much every move in its playbook and consoles have caught up. I suggest you calm down and look at reality. XBox is past its prime and everything about the Bone makes that obvious. Like I made a list of before, it's Sony that is keeping MS honest at this point. The innovation and new tricks from MS are gone.
In fact, isn't that really the point of this thread? MS being a barnacle on the bottom side of existing franchises with wallet power doesn't do anything for anyone.
MS talked about cloud. Sony has PS Now up and running.
MS talked about DX12. DriveClub and Uncharted 4 let loose a water shit all over whatever MS has to show us.
Sony is preparing to launch Virtual Reality. MS is buying timed exclusives.
MS takes it's vision for Kinect and sets it on fire. Sony launches SharePlay.
It's just not happening man. Let it go. XBox had a good run but it's over now. We have all seen what MS does in the drivers seat and it's not really all that awesome. They had the core gamer at the start of last gen. They closed studios and abandoned you for Kinect just so they could try to steal some sunshine from the Wii. It was all for naught.. We all know the Wii crowd either got transformed to core gamers or they're on iPads now. MS has mismanaged XBox so much that they have to scramble to open unproven studios just to keep their best IP like Halo and Gears of War alive. Really, I hate to be the one to break it to you and this forum, but it is high time it has been said by somebody..
The industry needs XBox for one thing and one thing only. XBox should stand, from here until the end of gaming itself, as a testament to how you can enter console gaming with a vision and then completely lose your bag of tricks by your own blundering. It hasn't been a profitable business model since day 1 on top of even all that. When December rolls by and all this talk of comparing the XBones first year to 360 becomes utterly silenced, remember what you read today. After all, if you want to know why Nintendo didn't have to bow out, it's because they've done the polar opposite of what XBox does. They stayed consistent and trustworthy to their fans. Whether times are good for Nintendo or times are bad, Nintendo delivers to its fanbase unrelentingly. Microsoft pretty much flinches with every punch. They will tell you one thing, and then like flipping a switch, do another. You better start believing in life after XBox.
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