Don't you think that is a problem if it has taken them 8 months to make a game playable? Bungie is probably laughing their asses off.
This is why it took so long to do this.
From the matvchmaking system teams
The biggest difficulty in tuning the Halo 4 sandbox is that we support so many different modes (at a high level, we have Campaign, Spartan Ops, and Multiplayer). But each of those gets broken down even further: co-op (1-4 players), difficulty levels, Skulls, Forge, saved films, and a plethora of different multiplayer modes, some of which have different traits that further modify sandbox elements. From that perspective, just fully vetting and testing everything can be an incredibly complex and challenging problem. What might seem like a relatively simple change can quickly turn into a logistical nightmare for our testing team. Start changing multiple things at the same time, and it gets even harder! And thats just looking at things from a high level and ignoring the impact of loadouts and the fact that our low-level moment-to-moment gameplay provides players with so many tactical choices and interplay (golden triangle of guns/melee/grenades + Armor Abilities, vehicles, and regenerating health/shields + headshots, and so on).
Also the post launch support was a mess until january.Why the hell are we talking about halo 4 here?
All of that could've been prevented had they not completely changed how multiplayer works. They wanted to put their name on the game and make people forget about Bungie and every change they made was rejected by the fans. Even the biggest fanboys can't say anything positive about it.
They wanted to make a game that felt new and at the same time was familiar. The campaign was pretty typical for a halo game, but the most changes are in the MP and some of the changes like the personal ordinace are not good, but they are not as broken as some of the cod versions of these things.I have watched my cousins play the mp of a couple of cod games and I played a bit of the campaign of MW2. The only thing that I thought that completely broke the game is Join in Progress because sometimes it would put me in a  laggy game or a match that is almost done.Also I would also get an endless black screen at times when the host change and the match may end when the screen disappears or I would have to deal with a crazy amount of lag.My connection is pretty good.
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