Why oh why hasn't M$ fixed the RRoD? Surely they have the resources, talent and money to fix any issues. So why is it still a long standing issue?
It's quite simple once I started thinking about it. The big 3 are all saying this isn't going to be an average generation of consoles. It will run longer then the average 5 year span. Up to 10 years, which I personally welcome with open arms. Imagine the difference we'll get next generation with a 10 year split between consoles!?
Why does this make the 3 year warranty and lack or RRoD repair a VERY smart marketing move? In 3 years most of these 360 owners will have built a large game library as well as much $ in DLC. So It's only natural that any of these people will just simply buy another 360 once the warranty runs out.It makes no sense to sell off your library for 1/10 what you payed. It costs less money for the average consumer to simply buy another 360 then to sell everything and switch to PS3 and start all over.
For M$ this would potentially, albeit artificially, inflate their worldwide sales. IMO, this makes The NDP sales numbers skewed in M$ favor as many peoples 3 year warranty has already run out.
Although this is all short term for M$. This could kill them next generation. News of RRoD is too widespread to avoid any sort of cover up now.
EDIT:In keeping with the announced 30%ish failure rate of the 360. This would mean that anywhere from 5-10 million(we can't say that 100% of the people plagued by RRoD would buy another console) 360 sales would be to previous owners simply re-buying the console.
EDIT #2:This post is NOT impying that MS intentionally put the RRoD in there. But claiming that MS had no prior knowledge to the problem would be ridiculous. Surely they knew and surely they COULD fix it if they wanted too. If you think otherwise, this is what makes you a lemming.
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