[QUOTE="Shafftehr"]Seeing as Sony essentially got its start in console gaming by stealing Final Fantasy from Nintendo... Metal Gear was originally Nintendo also, and Konami in general heavily favoured NIntendo - but, wasn't long until Castlevania and Metal Gear was Sony only. FF7 was the game that put Sony on the map, you know... After the DC, didn't the Stretet Fighter games go mainly Sony also (3rd strike, Alpha, all that Jazz)? I'd say they learned from the (previous) best. I'd also say that Cows have a short memory for how Sony got to first place - back when they were first place, or even second place, that is.readingfc_1Please don't call it stealing. Square moved from Nintendo to Sony because of storage limitationm which was also Kojimas reasoning for MGS first appearing on a Sony platform. MGS was the beginning of an era for the Metal Gear universe and they chose to stage it somewhere where they could exploit the potential of the playstation. All i'm saying is Sony has done what Microsoft has done in recent years. They have bought up exclusive franchises and also enjoyed the high number of 3rd party games being released. It's just the way the business goes and also the way it will continue to go. Oh, here's the fun part. When MS does it, it's "stealing"... When Sony does it, they moved because the wanted to. You know, despite the fact that there is no evidence of things like GTA4, or FFXIII, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR/Jade Empire/Mass Effect, Forza, Riddick, or the next MG game going to the XBOX, Sony fanboys constantly act like MS bought it... While every game that goes to a Sony console mysteriously happened because they just thought Sony was all that and a bag of chips. The practices you see Sony adopting now are ones that they likely adopted a long time ago, and MS hasn't really done anything that Sony didn't do first. Heck, that Nintendo didn't do first - Nintendo was an absolute tyrant from the NES to the SNES eras, using business tactics that put anything Sony or MS did to shame... You know, perhaps calling it stealing is wrong though. *None* of this is stealing, and none of this deserves to be credited as stealing. It's all legitimate business practices that every company in the game has engaged in many times in the past. It just so happens that one company is often credited with doing this as "stealing," as in, negative connotations, far beyond the others.
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