Unless you appreciate deep thinking, this thread is not for you. I find the video gaming industry very interesting, yet the more I think about it the more I realize why Microsoft will not be the best in internet search and video gaming. Microsoft is simply making too many enemies. As smart as it is, it does not realize that its actions over the years have frightened the human subconscious into perceiving Microsoft as a company not to be trusted with too much control or too much wealth.
1) When it controlled Windows, it used its monopoly to force computer makers and users to adopt Internet Explorer by default. It also used its windows monopoly in other computer related industries. The world found Microsoft guilty of abusing its monopoly and fined the company billions. The subconsious of people all over the world will forever remember Microsoft as a company not to be trusted with too much control of any industry.
2) Microsofts now tries to compete in too many industries, and a long the way it makes enemies in the following areas: operating systems, servers, databases, word processing, spreadsheets, software development suites, HD formats, advertizements, cable news and last but not least video gaming. In every area, Microsoft does not hesitate to do whatever it can to win, so long as it can get away with it. As such, Microsoft has tried to use its monoplies and wealth to its advantage against all competitors. No one likes to see a bully succeeds. It's built into the human subconcious.
Not only is microsoft making enemies with its competitors, it also makes enemies with people who read or hear about their business pratices. Take HD DVD vs. Blu-ray for example. Microsoft uses its money and influence to convince Toshiba to fight alone against Blu-ray. It told Xbox 360 owners that HD DVD was better, but it refused to make an Xbox 360 SKU with HD DVD built in. It's like Microsoft gave Toshiba a gun to fight while it sat on the sidelines, hoping the fight would continue forever, consumers and the entire movie industry be damned. Microsoft was a company willing to throw money around just to perpetuate a war.
Take another example of abusing its wealth in video games. Instead of creating more new exclusives, it pays 3rd party publishers to to release games on its console first. Now, 360 owners like it just fine. But in the back of their minds, their subconscious sees Microsof as a bully using pure wealth, not creativity or hardwork, as a means to achieve its ends. I would respect Microsoft a lot more if uses the money to create new exclusives or to lower the price of its consoles. Using money to obtain timed exlusives is too much of a bullying, I-am-richer-than-you tactic.
Now some of you might think I am writing this because I fear Microsoft will be the winner of the console war. Far from it. I have absolutely no doubt Microsoft will be in last place this genereation. I sincerely feel Microsoft is the most evil gaming company this generation, especially factoring in the lies and denials it offered regarding RROD.
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