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People know MS is bad at actual competition, to say otherwise is just being blind.TiefsterThey didn't get to where they are today by being bad at competition. For the matter neither did Sony.
I haven't posted on this forum in a very long time but this topic deserves a post. This has to be one of the funniest load of BS i've ever read. so hypocritical and a poor argument.
"Microsoft does not hesitate to do whatever it can to win, so long as it can get away with it.".............jesus... not much to say about this. MS produces a console and wants to win.......... those bastards!!!!!!!!!!
You're obviously a huge sony fanboy. You're entire argument about MS entering industries to compete is completely hypocritical. Sony, the same as MS has entered countless industries to compete and make money.
wow...just wow
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]People know MS is bad at actual competition, to say otherwise is just being blind.BumFluff122They didn't get to where they are today by being bad at competition. For the matter neither did Sony.
They didn't get to where they are today by being bad at competition. For the matter neither did Sony.[QUOTE="BumFluff122"][QUOTE="Tiefster"]People know MS is bad at actual competition, to say otherwise is just being blind.Tiefster
They didn't get to where they are today by being bad at competition. For the matter neither did Sony.[QUOTE="BumFluff122"][QUOTE="Tiefster"]People know MS is bad at actual competition, to say otherwise is just being blind.Tiefster
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]They didn't get to where they are today by being bad at competition. For the matter neither did Sony.[QUOTE="BumFluff122"][QUOTE="Tiefster"]People know MS is bad at actual competition, to say otherwise is just being blind.cainetao11
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]They didn't get to where they are today by being bad at competition. For the matter neither did Sony.[QUOTE="BumFluff122"][QUOTE="Tiefster"]People know MS is bad at actual competition, to say otherwise is just being blind.cainetao11
If Microsoft wasn't a competeive company they wouldn't be buying out other companies. They are competing against other companies who do the same thing. When a company is on top they try to stay on top. If someoen comes up with somethign better chances are the larger company will try to buy them out so they can remain competitive. An example would be google and their former acquisition of the search engine formerly made by the makers of MS is not the only company who buys out lower companies to increase the reliability of it's products to remain competitive.BumFluff122
I don't know what is worse the tc or the people who actually respond to the tc.Iceman2911Yes, we are "worse" because we express a different opinion. MS makes shoddy hardware, I am lucky to never have had a problem w/my 360.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]If Microsoft wasn't a competeive company they wouldn't be buying out other companies. They are competing against other companies who do the same thing. When a company is on top they try to stay on top. If someoen comes up with somethign better chances are the larger company will try to buy them out so they can remain competitive. An example would be google and their former acquisition of the search engine formerly made by the makers of MS is not the only company who buys out lower companies to increase the reliability of it's products to remain competitive.Tiefster
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]If Microsoft wasn't a competeive company they wouldn't be buying out other companies. They are competing against other companies who do the same thing. When a company is on top they try to stay on top. If someoen comes up with somethign better chances are the larger company will try to buy them out so they can remain competitive. An example would be google and their former acquisition of the search engine formerly made by the makers of MS is not the only company who buys out lower companies to increase the reliability of it's products to remain competitive.Tiefster
Let us look at what a buyout of a company by MS would cost them. First they must pay for the company then they must pay for the workers wages of said company as well as many other things. Have you not thought that the financial geniuses behind MS considered all the options for buying otu a company and merely offering them money in order to use one of their products?MS didn;t become one of the fortune 500 by squandering it's money. The financers will take what is most appealing to them.
is this thread another rant about how MS is paying all those other companies to make exclusive games non exclusive?
as for the products, MS has always had a monopoly, but it doesn't bother me. It's not like its the end of the world. Most ppl use Windows made by MS Except Vista, they kinda screwed it, but i heard they are fixing litle by little. Reading the thread makes it look like its a rebellious letter agasint MS. heh
tc shouldn't you be cleaning the dust off your beloved obesseion ps3kyacat
what is that suppose to mean I am on my ps3 everyday and it still gets dust.
[QUOTE="kyacat"]tc shouldn't you be cleaning the dust off your beloved obesseion ps3Iceman2911
what is that suppose to mean I am on my ps3 everyday and it still gets dust.
not you iceman you're pretty cool and I just wonder of TC really has ps3 or he/she bored of their ps3 already[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]If Microsoft wasn't a competeive company they wouldn't be buying out other companies. They are competing against other companies who do the same thing. When a company is on top they try to stay on top. If someoen comes up with somethign better chances are the larger company will try to buy them out so they can remain competitive. An example would be google and their former acquisition of the search engine formerly made by the makers of MS is not the only company who buys out lower companies to increase the reliability of it's products to remain competitive.Tiefster
You work in Mc Donalds for 5 years does not make you a business genious, sorry. Teh evil microdevil rules all.
Microsoft has gotten a bad rep among lot of people, there's no denying it. And yes, other companies like Sony do questionable things as well in the name of profit, but since the thread was about MS it doesn't really matter.
MS could be doing far better if it would take a softer approach every now and then. Lets looks at for e.g. GFWL. It was a shoddy attempt at best, imagine if they would had started full cooperation with Steam to bring those GFW titles to PC, they could be in a lot better position now, but no, MS doesn't cooperate. Now they've had to make GFWL free because it failed so hard.
They tried to force gamers to use Vista to play GFWL games, a bully tactic especially considering that as they were pushing Vista with DX10, they were also paying devs to make these games DX9 for the 360. Well, thanks to all that Vista got a bad rep and a very slow start from which it still hasn't really recovered.
With the RROD they chose to fix the problem later in exchange for a headstart, but also got a bad rep once again. Lucky for them PS3 was a failure as well and Wii targeted different audience, otherwise they'd been screwed.
You could propably write 1000 page essays about Microsoft's business tactics, but I don't see the point. People know this all already, and it's not subconsciously.
[QUOTE="Sihanouk"]Other companies support HD_DVD mostly because Toshiba give them money or promotional benefits. Toshiba did that beacause it believed it had a chance to win the war. It believed so because Microsoft pledged its support. However Microsoft was telling the world, including Xbox 360 gamers, to support HD-DVD, a product Microsoft didn't have enough confidence in to have it built into Xbox 360. It was preaching what it didnt' practice. Very bad.As mentioned before MS supports charities. Actually their annual support for charities outweighs most of what charity organizations are even worth. They are the number 1 contributer to charities world wide. You call that bullying? You are just trying to find another thing to blame MS for. You're making Toshiba out to be this little follower who know absolutely nothing about the business and when big ba dMS came along and put their *full* support (Which they never actually did and they stated so numerous times and put far more support behind digital downloads) behind Toshiba they just folowed along like little puppies. Toshiba is a large company, they didn't get large by being stupid. They were promoting their new format long before MS came into the picture. The only reason MS came into the picture is, you are correct, to lengthen the format war but don't think that made Toshiba think "OH wow we may actually win. We don't have to gain any more support because we have MS." Thats rubbish.Microsoft reached dictator status, and it was corrupted, very much so. Why do you think countries all over the world found Microsoft guilty? And that's my point: Microsoft has been and continued to act like a bully, and as such, it will not win internet search or the console war. Human beings have a built-in hatred towards bullies.
It's great that they suppot charities in a big way. I can respect that. But at the same time, I have to see their charities as it is: most of it is in the form of software or other comupter related items, which costs them very little while increasing the install base for their products vs. their competitors. There's also a self-interest in this charity work, namely they hope that the people who benefit from charity will later on buy their products.
They are not stupid. But they also factor in Microsoft's, Intel, and HP's support before they made the decision to fight the Blu-ray team. You can bet Microsoft pursuaded Intel and HP to throw their name in the ring. Turned out, Toshiba basically fought alone while Microsoft and the others sat safely in the sidelines. Microsoft was basically preaching to Toshiba and 360 owners that HD DVD was better than Blu-ray. However, they didn't pratice what they preached because none of the 360 SKUs had HD-DVD built in. So it's Toshiba and the 360 owners who got burned. There's no question that Microsoft's involvement in format war was dispicable.
[QUOTE="Sihanouk"]Other companies support HD_DVD mostly because Toshiba give them money or promotional benefits. Toshiba did that beacause it believed it had a chance to win the war. It believed so because Microsoft pledged its support. However Microsoft was telling the world, including Xbox 360 gamers, to support HD-DVD, a product Microsoft didn't have enough confidence in to have it built into Xbox 360. It was preaching what it didnt' practice. Very bad.
You do realize that HD-DVD was not available when the 360 was being developed, and that it also was not available when the console launched, right?
You realize tha Microsoft said they sold the HD-DVD add on to give their customers a choice, right? Well, that was HD-DVD was fighting a losing war. Now that Blu-ray has won, they did give their consumers chocie by builing a 360 SKU with built-in Blu-ray or a Blu-ray add-on? They can still do that now. Where's the chocie?
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I have to agree.Wow that is pretty fanboyish even going by system war standards.
this is awfully extreme. and I've seen a lot of posts here.
this is one one f them moments when i began to visualize the person that takes the time to write this and it dosent matter wheather their serious or just playing around because either way its lookin quite sad
[QUOTE="rybe1025"]I have to agree.Wow that is pretty fanboyish even going by system war standards.
this is awfully extreme. and I've seen a lot of posts here.
this is what happens when people take the console wars abit too seriously..
the TC has been making thread's like this for sometime now..and abit conserning.
Unless you appreciate deep thinking, this thread is not for you. I find the video gaming industry very interesting, yet the more I think about it the more I realize why Microsoft will not be the best in internet search and video gaming. Microsoft is simply making too many enemies. As smart as it is, it does not realize that its actions over the years have frightened the human subconscious into perceiving Microsoft as a company not to be trusted with too much control or too much wealth.
1) When it controlled Windows, it used its monopoly to force computer makers and users to adopt Internet Explorer by default. It also used its windows monopoly in other computer related industries. The world found Microsoft guilty of abusing its monopoly and fined the company billions. The subconsious of people all over the world will forever remember Microsoft as a company not to be trusted with too much control of any industry.
2) Microsofts now tries to compete in too many industries, and a long the way it makes enemies in the following areas: operating systems, servers, databases, word processing, spreadsheets, software development suites, HD formats, advertizements, cable news and last but not least video gaming. In every area, Microsoft does not hesitate to do whatever it can to win, so long as it can get away with it. As such, Microsoft has tried to use its monoplies and wealth to its advantage against all competitors. No one likes to see a bully succeeds. It's built into the human subconcious.
Not only is microsoft making enemies with its competitors, it also makes enemies with people who read or hear about their business pratices. Take HD DVD vs. Blu-ray for example. Microsoft uses its money and influence to convince Toshiba to fight alone against Blu-ray. It told Xbox 360 owners that HD DVD was better, but it refused to make an Xbox 360 SKU with HD DVD built in. It's like Microsoft gave Toshiba a gun to fight while it sat on the sidelines, hoping the fight would continue forever, consumers and the entire movie industry be damned. Microsoft was a company willing to throw money around just to perpetuate a war.
Take another example of abusing its wealth in video games. Instead of creating more new exclusives, it pays 3rd party publishers to to release games on its console first. Now, 360 owners like it just fine. But in the back of their minds, their subconscious sees Microsof as a bully using pure wealth, not creativity or hardwork, as a means to achieve its ends. I would respect Microsoft a lot more if uses the money to create new exclusives or to lower the price of its consoles. Using money to obtain timed exlusives is too much of a bullying, I-am-richer-than-you tactic.
Now some of you might think I am writing this because I fear Microsoft will be the winner of the console war. Far from it. I have absolutely no doubt Microsoft will be in last place this genereation. I sincerely feel Microsoft is the most evil gaming company this generation, especially factoring in the lies and denials it offered regarding RROD.
jealous much?
M$ company practice has always been copy the competition or buy them.DJCUEBALL
$ony copies, too. But they just can't pony up the dough to buy a company out. All these companies are here for one reason, and can you guess what that reason is? "It's all about da money!" We can stop demonizing and appreciate capitalism at work.
Attacking teh SUBCONSIOUS!!!!!! :lol: Oh man, that's a good one.
MS is teh Debbil thread # 234,529.
Dat mean old Debbil gonna getcha with its mean ol' Debbil money LOOKOUT!!!
[QUOTE="DJCUEBALL"]M$ company practice has always been copy the competition or buy them.BioShockOwnz
$ony copies, too. But they just can't pony up the dough to buy a company out. All these companies are here for one reason, and can you guess what that reason is? "It's all about da money!" We can stop demonizing and appreciate capitalism at work.
Yes Sony copies also, but they have come up with innovative products. I can give you a list of things MS has copied.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="DJCUEBALL"]M$ company practice has always been copy the competition or buy them.DJCUEBALL
$ony copies, too. But they just can't pony up the dough to buy a company out. All these companies are here for one reason, and can you guess what that reason is? "It's all about da money!" We can stop demonizing and appreciate capitalism at work.
Yes Sony copies also, but they have come up with innovative products. I can give you a list of things MS has copied.
And so has Microsoft. Point the finger all you want, but they all do it.
[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="rybe1025"]I have to agree.Wow that is pretty fanboyish even going by system war standards.
this is awfully extreme. and I've seen a lot of posts here.
this is what happens when people take the console wars abit too seriously..
the TC has been making thread's like this for sometime now..and abit conserning.
No point in trying to stop him now. He either takes stuff way too seriously, or he's craving attention. Either way it's pretty sad and pathetic.Please Log In to post.
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