I've been reading this thread since I was suspended without the ability to reply and Really I can't believe some of the comments being made.
A few examples.
Slot drives are better then trey drives.
Tray drives are old technology.
slot drives are more reliable.
slot drives being better is simply opinion, I like tray drives more.
does any one here know how old slot drives are? go back to the late 80's and you'll start seeing cars use them slot drives are old too, and tray drives are used in all most every thing where slot drives aren't used so thats what 70% of things?slot drives are less reliable then tray drives this is a simple fact, a comparibly built and price tray drive will allways outpreform a slot drive, tray drives are trusted and reliable tech, the only reason the ones in original 360 units were faulty is because of cheapness if they had been of higher build quality and price they wouldn't have the problems they do.
slot drives and tray drives work exactly the same except for the entry method the inside guts work exactly the same, A disc is take into the unit by either a tray or griping plate, and it put ontop of a spinner, a magnetic restrictor plate is placed ontop of the disc and a magnetic field keeps the plate puting preasure down on the disc so it stays in place as it spins.
So please stop with that stuff that slot drives are more reliable when both methods past the insertion method work exactly the same.Deiuos
Your claim is not a fact, it is an opinion. What is "reliable" is subjective to one's thoughts, experiences,and perspectives.
No...No...I'm pretty sure its a fact. Tray drives made in vastly more things then slot drives=more tested. Tray drives older=more tested. The fact that 360 tray drives failed is because they were of cheaper production, Or at you going to claim, that if the tray drive in the 360 was of superior and more expensive construction it would have still failed as it did at times when scratching discs? No tray drives are an older, and more tested technology and when built to the same standards as a slot drive will preform better in terms of reliability.
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