Kudo Tsunoda, general manager of Microsoft Game Studios
"... Even people playing games with a controller, there's always people doing this [mimes driving motion]. They want to be moving.," claims the Microsoft producer. "There's natural movements and reactions involved. I've never seen someone doing that from rumble. It's the audiovisual stuff.
"The overwhelming thing we've discovered is that rumble is such a rudimentary form of haptic feedback. It's not like a little rumble in your palm is your whole way of interacting with the world -- it's not like, oh, I stubbed my toe and I get a little rumble in my palm.
"It's almost laughable the way people hold on to rumble as the holy grail of haptic feedback. We've gone so far past anything that can be done with rumble, or that kind of restrictive thing you have to hold. It's been creatively liberating to work on this stuff."
I happen to think that rumbling is a better aid to gaming rather than swinging around your arms like crazy
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