""Nonetheless, Fish was ultimately happy with Microsoft?s treatment of what mattered most, the game.
?They understood that it was a personal project,? he said. ?They were completely hands-off all through development, they never tried to change anything or steer the game in one direction or the other. They let us make the game that we wanted to make, and for that I?m super grateful.?""
""Two, a number of issues post-release prompted Polytron to work on a patch. Releasing a patch on XBLA costs $40,000, according to Fish (Double Fine?sTim Schaferhas separatelymentioned this figure). Microsoft gave Polytron a pass on the first patch, but when the patch was approved by Microsoft certification, released to the masses and point 1 caused a small number of users to lose their saved progress , Microsoft pulled the patch.""
Does FEZ have achievements? then sorry its not indie its an official release by an official developer they maybe small but they aren't indie like a user that makes a game and puts it up with no achievements...etc thats indie.
""Fish said the last year of development was a never ending carrot on a stick for all parties involved.Polytronsigned its original agreement withMicrosoft(which does not own the Fez intellectual property, Polytron does) four years ago, but in 2011, the end finally seemed in sight. Fish and his programming partnerRenaud Bédardkept telling Microsoft the game was just a month away, but that month kept repeating over and over again.""
""?It?s this whole certification process that Microsoft has, which is in place to ensure there?s a certain level of quality in the games,? he said. ?They don?t want games to be constantly patched all the time, and I understand the reasoning for that, but god damnit, it takes forever, it costs a fortune--you have to pay them for it--and it doesn?t work. see point 1?""
It seems to me hes pissed and making s*** up.
1.If you want a game to be a certain price point then you can dictate it with cash as a ""supposed"" indie dev you aren't going to be able to do this you signed the agreement you knew the stakes you didn't go in blind.
2.he was waived on the first patch he didn't make the first patch right something that would be hard to see like a small amount of users losing a save file isn't the fault of ceritification its the fault of the patch maker not the beta testers.
3.they constant pushed back the game it seems thats the fault of the them not microsoft.
4.Microsoft doesn't own the ip why should they pay the way?
Seems to me someones pissy and is putting every thing they can in the worst light.
In the end we have a guy complaining even though he was ultimate happy he knew what he was getting into and over half of the issues in the article were his fault.
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