Good PS3 numbers, better than I expected. 'Grats Sony.
Nintendo worries me. I just don't see where they are going to go over the long run. All of these gaming devices are going to be interconnected multi-entertainment devices. Sony can leverage its other h/w business and its movie studio for content. MS can leverage its software and networks business. Nintendo does not seem to have a sustainable business model on the h/w side.
Yup. Lets see how well sony does in oct-december. I'd say massive numbers. I was telling you earlier that ps3 was gonna eat severely into the lead this quarter. Either ways. If it was not for kinect ps3 woukd be ahead of 360 WW right now. Microsoft was smart to release it.
Yah, I was surprised. They put up a good 500K more than I thought they would. The price cut must be really working for them in Europe.
It will be interesting to see when MS plays their last card (price cut). It'll probably provide good insight into when exactly they expect to launch 720.
I am ready myself for new hardware anytime.
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