Can't say that statement is false.-RocBoys9489-
How does having a TV in and gimmicking the OS with Kinect give X1 a free pass..... You do realize PS4 has the same multitasking capabilities right?Â
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Can't say that statement is false.-RocBoys9489-
How does having a TV in and gimmicking the OS with Kinect give X1 a free pass..... You do realize PS4 has the same multitasking capabilities right?Â
Microsoft words have about as much weight as someone on this forum at this point. Sony has kicked their asses all year and the butthurt is reaching the boiling point.
Bu..bu..but Sony isn't our competition. Google and Apple two companies that routinely kick Microsoft's apparently are the focus, but Sony is about to take the Western gaming market away. Back to Windows failures and Office. Where would Microsoft be without that monopoly?
MS knows how SONY felt for 6 years of the last generation then:)Microsoft words have about as much weight as someone on this forum at this point. Sony has kicked their asses all year and the butthurt is reaching the boiling point.
Bu..bu..but Sony isn't our competition. Google and Apple two companies that routinely kick Microsoft's apparently are the focus, but Sony is about to take the Western gaming market away. Back to Windows failures and Office. Where would Microsoft be without that monopoly?
Microsoft words have about as much weight as someone on this forum at this point. Sony has kicked their asses all year and the butthurt is reaching the boiling point.
Bu..bu..but Sony isn't our competition. Google and Apple two companies that routinely kick Microsoft's apparently are the focus, but Sony is about to take the Western gaming market away. Back to Windows failures and Office. Where would Microsoft be without that monopoly?
It's true, they got arrogant and thought Sony was done anyway, the threat is apple and google TV even though those things barely sell a few millions.
They did the same exact mistake Sony did when they launched PS3 coming from the glorious PS2. Funny how quick these companies forget about their own past.Â
You do realize PS4 has the same multitasking capabilities right?Â
Eh no it doesn't.
So you think PS4 isn't capable of multitasking :?
[QUOTE="StrongBlackVine"]MS knows how SONY felt for 6 years of the last generation then:)Microsoft words have about as much weight as someone on this forum at this point. Sony has kicked their asses all year and the butthurt is reaching the boiling point.
Bu..bu..but Sony isn't our competition. Google and Apple two companies that routinely kick Microsoft's apparently are the focus, but Sony is about to take the Western gaming market away. Back to Windows failures and Office. Where would Microsoft be without that monopoly?
Microsoft knows what Sony domination feels like after PS2/Xbox. They are doing everything they can to avoid a repeat.
Let me paraphrase..
"We don't feel that gaming is the most important thing our console does. We've seen the Netflix usage stats, so, instead we are giving you this."
..and the gamers of the world preorder PS4 3or 4 to 1 their machine as a result.
You do know that the #1 application run on PS3 is also Netflix right? And that overall, PS3 was #1 in Netflix streaming?
Indeed, and Sony made their system after the PS3 almost like a PC graphics card instead of a laptop with shared system memory to the GPU anyway. Riddle me this, riddle me that.. Where are Microsoft's priorities at?If i had to nail it down, i would say their priority is pushing One as an all in one system, which is a similar mistake Sony made with PS3.........only MS doesnt have the First Party to dig themselves out. (but they do have money). I chose PS4 because i dont want an all in one box, i care about games. Im sure ill get a ONE later, just not right away. I find it silly tho that it is a big deal when MS does something Sony has a history of. And on top of that, MS didnt even say or imply what TC said, no one is reading the article. They didnt attack sony at all.......[QUOTE="edidili"]
You do realize PS4 has the same multitasking capabilities right?Â
Eh no it doesn't.
So you think PS4 isn't capable of multitasking :?
I didn't say that. I said it doesn't have the same capabilities.Â
You don't have voice and body navigation, at least with the bundled package. You don't get two applications running side by side either. That kind of multitasking feature does not exist yet on PS4. You don't get that overlay over the cable TV.
MS tried to pursue a different route, but too many said 'no thanks, I just want more of the same'.
They tried to but they didn't do it right. I would have been all for getting rid of retail and the high prices it causes and go DD, I've been there for years on PC.
However MS removed the benefits you get today with discs without giving anything in return. That's not how you make a big shift. You got rid of retail, packaging and distribution costs, gamestop. You had the chance to lower the prices of games and have flexible pricing, not all games cost the same to make so not all should sell for the same price too.Â
And what did MS do? They came and said new DD games cost $60. That is not how Apple took over the music industry from Sony with its pricey discs.Â
They could even find a way to make digital copies tradeable. If I could buy DD copies on Xbox for cheaper and be able to trade them I would have went with them in an instant. MS missed its chance though and it was their fault. Consumers got nothing back for what was being removed from.
I was never really interested in that stuff, it was just Steam without the cheap deals.
But now they're going down a spiral where they are on the verge of giving up/losing/changing things that make the Xbox One different.
It starts with 'you no longer need kinect 2.0 plugged in' and ends with 'no kinect in box'. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but it makes all the differece to the dev when they know every console has one, it means they can put universal, integrated features as well as features of varying degrees being in games, it could be tiny.
Now you no longer need to be online, what does this mean for their plans with the cloud. It was probably really important to have the console connected to meet their vision, now that's no longer the case it's looking closer to the current gen.
See what I mean, as they back down on all these things, it just looks like they're reverting back.
[QUOTE="StrongBlackVine"]MS knows how SONY felt for 6 years of the last generation then:)ÂMicrosoft words have about as much weight as someone on this forum at this point. Sony has kicked their asses all year and the butthurt is reaching the boiling point.
Bu..bu..but Sony isn't our competition. Google and Apple two companies that routinely kick Microsoft's apparently are the focus, but Sony is about to take the Western gaming market away. Back to Windows failures and Office. Where would Microsoft be without that monopoly?
Could've sworn 360 is in 3rd. What are you talking about? PS2 wiped the floor with Xbox. The gen hasn't fully started yet. Surely you're not hiding behind Wii U releasing in 2012 to make 360 look like it finished 2nd lol. I guess the 5th gen started with the Atari Jaguar then lol.Â
The PS4 is also a stronger Xbox One since the GPU is stronger. Except it doesn't have the built in government spying kinect 2.0 so its also $100 cheaper.
That is one of the biggest problems I have with the PS4 in that it does not feel like a real advance from one gen to the next. The PS4 just seems like a PS3 with better hardware for the most part.CanYouDiglt
Welcome to gaming.
That is one of the biggest problems I have with the PS4 in that it does not feel like a real advance from one gen to the next. The PS4 just seems like a PS3 with better hardware for the most part.CanYouDiglt
It will play loads of kick ass great games,I could'nt give two f**ks what else it does or how 'next gen' it appears to be.:)
[QUOTE="campzor"]and the xbone is just a stronger 360blue_hazy_basicExcept it does offer a bunch of new functionality, for good or bad. The PS4 just does pay to play as something new :PHow has X1 enhanced gaming with new functionality in ways that can be considered new?
Oh, you mean you voice commands and mini games with an innacurate peripheral? That's hardly new.
In fact, The PS4 has new functionality that actually enhances your GAMING experience. XB1 aims to improve your television viewing experience.
Take your pick ;)
Except it does offer a bunch of new functionality, for good or bad. The PS4 just does pay to play as something new :PHow has X1 enhanced gaming with new functionality in ways that can be considered new?[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"][QUOTE="campzor"]and the xbone is just a stronger 360Douevenlift_bro
Oh, you mean you voice commands and mini games with an innacurate peripheral? That's hardly new.
In fact, The PS4 has new functionality that actually enhances your GAMING experience. XB1 aims to improve your television viewing experience.
Take your pick ;)
Didnt Tom Clancys EndWar use voice commands through a standard headset?Â
C'mon now, those are f2p games that kinda failed on PC. I already played them.
I want MP for games like Division, Destiny, BF, Titanfall, Fifa. You can't fool me with some f2p games and a DVR I'll never use.Â
PS4 this time is in the same crap xbox is for me. I can't imagine spending a few hundred bucks for the box and the games and just pretend I don't like playing MP. If I ever buy a PS4 I will have to pay the sub.
Planetside 2 failed on PC?
But what do sony lose for having those as well on the console while they are not on xbox one.?
Considering that from the games you name the only one no on PS4 is Titan but it will be also on PC which basically kill your whole point,and just because you don't use DVR doesn't mean every one doesn't use it fraps is very popular on PC,you can see youtube for reference of that.
Yeah will have to,but at least on PS4 you also get games with PSN+ which is not like xbox live where you drop money and get something every one was already getting free,PSN+ has value since it give you access to games.
You do know that the #1 application run on PS3 is also Netflix right? And that overall, PS3 was #1 in Netflix streaming?
Yeah that is the most used on xbox 360 to,the only difference is that on PS3 is not hidden under a pay wall,and it was actually superior on PS3..:lol:
Probably about the only time I will ever agree with you.The day that gamers and console makers think the innovation or creativity with gaming lies in the hardware and not in the worlds of the games themselves, they have truly lost the plot and need to find something else to do.
That would have been a fair criticism if it wasn't for the fact that PS4, the console meant for games doesn't have any game.
Yeah the PS4 doesn't have any game because you say so...:?
What a blind biased fanboy you are.
That is one of the biggest problems I have with the PS4 in that it does not feel like a real advance from one gen to the next. The PS4 just seems like a PS3 with better hardware for the most part.CanYouDigltStory goes for all 3 this gen. You want cutting edge, get a PC.
You do know that the #1 application run on PS3 is also Netflix right? And that overall, PS3 was #1 in Netflix streaming?
Yeah that is the most used on xbox 360 to,the only difference is that on PS3 is not hidden under a pay wall,and it was actually superior on PS3..:lol:
Well yea, i agree that the paywall is stupid That said, wouldnt FREE naturally mean you are going to have more users? Also, Netflix isnt superior on PS3 anymore, hasnt been for about 6mos since the update. In many ways, the 360 is superior because of the new layout. I do like how the PS3 version has the episodes in a vertical list though, but the 360 has a full in-video navigation that makes it far superior imo.[QUOTE="navyguy21"]
When you try to put some one of the spot,but you ignore what that person was replying to it make you look stupid,so the PS4 has no games like he claim right.?
Oh wait you are the one who claimed that with money you can buy any market.
Stop being to ignorant and defensive. As i have said many times before, the PS4 is my choice. Why in the hell would i choose a console with no games? That said, money CAN buy a region if you spend it correctly. Just because you dont want it to be true doesnt make it so. MS competed at the end of last gen solely on multiplat exclusive content with a few exclusives sprinkled on for flavor. Money talks dude. The sooner you grow up and realize that the better off you will be. You say that as if im taking sides on this. Green (money) has so bias.Stop being to ignorant and defensive. As i have said many times before, the PS4 is my choice. Why in the hell would i choose a console with no games? That said, money CAN buy a region if you spend it correctly. Just because you dont want it to be true doesnt make it so. MS competed at the end of last gen solely on multiplat exclusive content with a few exclusives sprinkled on for flavor. Money talks dude. The sooner you grow up and realize that the better off you will be. You say that as if im taking sides on this. Green (money) has so bias.navyguy21
The PS4 been your choice in nothing change anything,that is what William say all the time that is not getting an xbox one but can't stop defending it all day..hahaha.
Yeah and the wii won... how sad and las gen they los by endles miles,zune cancel,Bing taking a huge ass beating explorer not been use even that it comes build in on windows,people chose chrome or firefox..
Just because you have money doesn't mean you will succeed it just mean you can trow more money until sertain point,like Zune already proved,MS has investors to which they have to respond to,lets face it MS did not get to be were it is by lossing billions everywhere,they see and investment in the long run,now if by a decent time that product is not paying you can kiss it godd by like Games for windows to..
Hasn't hardware capability always defined what constitutes a new generation? Before operating systems were really a "thing," the only thing that differentiated a Nintendo from a Super Nintendo was hardware. And maybe media format. I understand what Microsoft is saying, in a poor attempt to redefine "next gen" and make Sony look lazy, but it's just not much of an argument.
Oh delisuional Lems are really buying the power of the Cloud thing, why even put a GPU in your console let the Cloud empower it all. :lol:
Lems nowadays, every console has been just a stronger version of its previous iteration in every generation, adding features don't change that let alone calling cloud cmputing and voice recognition as these supposed features that set the x1 apart from the others, this gen can't arrive any sooner, lem damage control will be through the roofs.
I actually liked what MS is doing with the Xbone. If only they could've got this finalized months ago -- ie decision on the unit itself, the price, and of course DRM. If they had that locked, all they can do now is minor tweaks and release the system on time. Also releasing the system on selected countries isn't actually good though.Hasn't hardware capability always defined what constitutes a new generation? Before operating systems were really a "thing," the only thing that differentiated a Nintendo from a Super Nintendo was hardware. And maybe media format. I understand what Microsoft is saying, in a poor attempt to redefine "next gen" and make Sony look lazy, but it's just not much of an argument.
The PS4 been your choice in nothing change anything,that is what William say all the time that is not getting an xbox one but can't stop defending it all day..hahaha.
Yeah and the wii won... how sad and las gen they los by endles miles,zune cancel,Bing taking a huge ass beating explorer not been use even that it comes build in on windows,people chose chrome or firefox..
Just because you have money doesn't mean you will succeed it just mean you can trow more money until sertain point,like Zune already proved,MS has investors to which they have to respond to,lets face it MS did not get to be were it is by lossing billions everywhere,they see and investment in the long run,now if by a decent time that product is not paying you can kiss it godd by like Games for windows to..
This is what i dont get by logic.
You seem to think because i defend MS or One from misinformation or skewing of information as bias or that somehow defending is bad...........even though you do the same with anything Sony. How is one worse than the other.
Also, merely defending one thing doesnt make you a fanboy of that thing.......or a hater of the other. That is some childish, grade-school logic you have there.
Yes, im quick to point out inaccuracies or exaggerations. I do the same when i defend PS4 and Sony.......but you are ok with those because it agrees with your agenda.
Zune failed because MS didnt support it. Surface suffered the same fate. Yet windows thrives...........not because it is better............but because MS floods the market with it. MS Surface (the huge touch screens) succeeds because MS floods the market. Xbox succeeds because MS floods the market. Sony did the same with PS1 and PS2. Difference is MS has no first party to create such a rabid fanbase aside from COD.........which isnt even exclusive.. Why are they competing with at least 2 regions with a far...............far inferior first party? Hint: It is green.
keep pretending people actually care about PC gaming. :lol:PC is stronger than both and has more games/exclusives.
Keep fighting for 2nd place.
[QUOTE="navyguy21"]Stop being to ignorant and defensive. As i have said many times before, the PS4 is my choice. Why in the hell would i choose a console with no games? That said, money CAN buy a region if you spend it correctly. Just because you dont want it to be true doesnt make it so. MS competed at the end of last gen solely on multiplat exclusive content with a few exclusives sprinkled on for flavor. Money talks dude. The sooner you grow up and realize that the better off you will be. You say that as if im taking sides on this. Green (money) has so bias.tormentos
The PS4 been your choice in nothing change anything,that is what William say all the time that is not getting an xbox one but can't stop defending it all day..hahaha.
Yeah and the wii won... how sad and las gen they los by endles miles,zune cancel,Bing taking a huge ass beating explorer not been use even that it comes build in on windows,people chose chrome or firefox..
Just because you have money doesn't mean you will succeed it just mean you can trow more money until sertain point,like Zune already proved,MS has investors to which they have to respond to,lets face it MS did not get to be were it is by lossing billions everywhere,they see and investment in the long run,now if by a decent time that product is not paying you can kiss it godd by like Games for windows to..
lol moron I don't defend the xbox dOne I correct idiot sheens like you whom nitpick and back peddle on every thing you said last generation. hows that paid psn multiplayer sitting with ya? bubububu its better we get free is just a more powerful sony console what else did you think it was, their not nintendo , Â that is certain only nintendo does things different nearly every genÂ
ps4 and xbox one, Â are just graphical enhanced ps3s/360s nothing more ,Â
Its only innovation to Lems because its Microsoft who is doing it. Sad though that they perfer bells, whistles and convenience over a more powerful system. Without this Kinect crap and the money invested, imagine what they could have done with that console.People put too my emphasis on the whole innovation stuff
Genesis was a more powerful master system...i didnt see anyone complaining back then!
[QUOTE="Evo_nine"]Its only innovation to Lems because its Microsoft who is doing it. Sad though that they perfer bells, whistles and convenience over a more powerful system. Without this Kinect crap and the money invested, imagine what they could have done with that console. Im not a fanboy either way ill probably buy both systems....BUTPeople put too my emphasis on the whole innovation stuff
Genesis was a more powerful master system...i didnt see anyone complaining back then!
yes id much rather they spent all their R&D money into making a stronger console with a great online service. and that's it.
keep pretending people actually care about PC gaming. :lol:[QUOTE="RoOodriGowW"]
PC is stronger than both and has more games/exclusives.
Keep fighting for 2nd place.
It has more gamers and gaming revenue.
Facts/Data > Your posts.
'Course it does, you're counting since the times when computers occupied a whole basement.Speaking of facts, it's a fact that console gamers don't care about PCs.
So, your post is still irrelevant.
Also, GTA5.
[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]How has X1 enhanced gaming with new functionality in ways that can be considered new?[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"] Except it does offer a bunch of new functionality, for good or bad. The PS4 just does pay to play as something new :PMurderstyle75
Oh, you mean you voice commands and mini games with an innacurate peripheral? That's hardly new.
In fact, The PS4 has new functionality that actually enhances your GAMING experience. XB1 aims to improve your television viewing experience.
Take your pick ;)
Didnt Tom Clancys EndWar use voice commands through a standard headset? hell, i may be mistaken since its been a long time, but didnt the first socom game on the ps2 do that to?Please Log In to post.
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