@Vatusus said:
@NoodleFighter said:
What's wrong with MMOs and MOBAs
Nothing wrong, but if thats all the PC will offer branded as "successful" and every game will follow their formulas then thats definitely not positive for the industry
Now speaking personaly, I really dont like MMOs or MOBAs and I've tried them (Both LOL and Dota 2). I seriously dont get the popularity of both these genres, but to each his own I guess. MMOs are repetitive/grindy as hell and MOBAs are ok for the competitive aspect but I was never much of a competitive gamer so it does nothing for me. So, if these types are where the industry is going then gaming is definitely going in the wrong way in my perspective, coming from someone who enjoys single player games and/or co-op more then competition and/or grinding
Because you are living in the past. Many americans do live in the past. The reason for this is because there internet is god awful. For somebody here with already 15 years of fiber internet with no data limit, anything that is offline isn't worth my time. It's a socially dead game. Physical doesn't even exist anymore for my views. It's a ancient concept like floppy drives.
PC is all about being social and competition. If i can't play a game with a friend the game isn't interesting to me. Why would i play uncharted 4? when i can play with 30 people or 5 people and actually feel like you are part of something and talk socially with other people.
Single player games feel like being the kid that sits in his house locked from the world playing with lego while all his buddy's are making new friends and playing with eachother outside with loads more tools to there disposal and get a lot of fun random experiences out of it that gets created by random social interaction.
This is actually how these games become big.
Consoles in general are just anti social type of platforms because of there limitations.
Only way to communicate is through talking with voice chats. Well most people don't want to use voice chats, but still want to communicate and a keyboard does that perfectly fine. So on consoles a large chunk of people are already always silenced on top of it because there is no other way to communicate. A controller to select text is not going to be used by people on any decent level. And then you actually have to pay to even be able to connect.
Also no solution for alternative communications programs like discord or other ways to communicate outside of games itself. For example i can still sit in my discord for x game while gaming y game, and see what people talk about while i do play something completely else. I still feel connected. ( it's like having your facebook on your mobile while playing games but then game related ).
Mmo's is all about social aspect, many many mmo's i played are nothing more then chat boxes with stuff into it that keeps you busy with your friends. I know people that buy every single loot box that comes out because they like there new hat it has ( which does nothing for there game ) a random chance to generate and pay 100's of bucks for it. They find it totally worth it, while a game like uncharted they wouldn't even spend 20 bucks on.
Single player games are socially dead content and this is what drives people on PC away from them. The only games that sell well and are pure single player games like witcher 3 is because they are litterly thrown away against the wall for free. Every single new 900 gpu at that time was sold with a witcher 3 copy, lots and lots of combinations of witcher 3 where sold here with other games as extra linked towards it.
It's like trying to hype up your mmo at a investor meeting, by saying we have ( aka final fantasy ) we have 10 million accounts created on our paid MMO!!!!!. But forgot to mention you just had a "free week for everybody to test out the game" 2 weeks ago.
Then with the social aspect also comes competition. There is nothing fun about killing a proprogrammed npc its boring. Congratz you got the rotation right !!! yay, oh wait there is nobody to cheer with me because i'm enculved in scripted npc's. killing another person that isn't scripted is far more interesting because every single match can be completely different.
Maybe now you understand why games like dota or mmo's or pugb are so interesting and why people play it.
It's the same why COD was so big on xbox with voice chat, because people actually got a sneak peek towards why online gaming is so appealing.
If you ask me, all of those single player exclusives like mario / god of war / uncharted i wouldn't pay more then 20 bucks each for and then i wouldn't even want to deal with there hardware, make it playable on my PC or else they don't even exist. While i have zero issue's plumping 200 bucks in a coin box for ragnarok online randomly for example. Money isn't the issue it's that the content isn't something i care about.
And with me many many more people are like that. Because single player games are simple to isolated for there function.
Remove all single player exclusives from consoles and what does it have left? nothing. Then why even bother.
Unlike consoles, nobody can push the markets on PC. They can provide or be ignored. That's why you often see snarky comments from PC crowd towards console crowd specially if that PC crowd is western europe based towards US console crowd about why anybody would care about that walking simulator, seems boring.
While that american console user, would say? i don't get why you want to sit on PC it has no cinematic experiences.
If you readed all of this, you just unlocked "mental hospital candidate archievement"
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