Here's what the console versions of MW2 look like:
I got that on Beyond3D forums. They said it was the same image quality (600p with 2xAA) as the first game.
I can literally get you better looking screen shots than this with Call of Duty 2 running on a Pentium D with a 7800 GS. And I could get you screens on my current PC for Call of Duty 2 that would make your eyes bleed.
sorry to say but that is a HORRIBLE screen shot. CoD4 not only looked better then that, but also makes it look like there's at least a generation gap between that screen and how the game ACTUALLY looks. Nice try though No, that's what you call a real screenshot. Care to find me a better looking one that you can actually demonstrate is a framebuffer grab displayed in native resolution with no bullshot alarms going off in my head when I see it? Good luck with that. Until then I'll stick with the clear impression of what looked like a giant ass being shaken in front of my face when I played COD4. The game looked bad. Period. I won't accept any of your "it doesn't look like that on MY TV" crap because I played the game myself extensively. I want screens, real screens. The game ran at 600p with 2xAA. That's called a fact. That means that there is nothing you can do to dispute that fact. It had aggressive dynamic LoD, moderate to low resolution textures, and no crazy particle effects or draw distances to make me think better of it. There was absolutely nothing about that game that was jaw dropping, awe inspiring, anything. It wasn't even the best looking console game when it came out. And I'm SURE that I could make you a Call of Duty 2 screenshot that would look superior to any Modern Warfare or Modern Warfare 2 screen you could produce. So how about you get to it, buck-o.Also, let's talk about how extraordinary controllers are compared to mouse and keyboard and how X-board your average 360 player is in comparison to a PC gamer. Today I played Red Orchestra on a server called HIPS 24/7 and I carried around my fancy bolt-action rifle, the Kar-98 in a game with real-world ballistics, i.e. your bullet has to travel to the target, accurate damage modelling, free-aim, and no crosshairs. Not to mention the fact that unlike just about every popular shooting game on consoles (including Modern Warfare), it has no aim assist what-so-ever. In other words not only do I have to force my weapon to the target and draw a line from the muzzle to my target in a split second before I fire, I also have to make sure that bullet is going where my target will be in the time it takes for the round to travel. On Hips we play 100% bolt action custom maps and I hipshoot people across the map routinely and they do it right back to me (depending largely on their skill level. Have you ever seen a console game with free-aim? Because I haven't. Name me a major console game shooter that doesn't have aim-assist. Seriously, you play COD4 and you've got noob-tubes, single-button kill-swipes (right analog=knife arc of doom), single-button grenade throws, aim-assist, nearly instantaneous bullet travel, noob-perks, kill-streak rewards, crosshairs, and fully automatic weapons. And you think because you can make a series of kills in a game like that that has any degree of consequence on your ability to make an impact in a game in which the training wheels come off? Console games are DESIGNED to be friendly for a SIMPLER control type.
There simply is no comparison and I would be glad to plant an 8mm Mauser round in a console gamer's avatar's face if he so desired to trumpet how skilled he was, and that frankly includes any MLGer on the planet. Console gaming skills do not translate to PC.
1. No, you seriously picked a Crappy Pic on Purpose. If CoD 4 & MW2 look Crappy to you, you SERIOUSLY need your Eyes Checked out (Unless you have Sky-High Standards).2. What does Red Orchestra have to do with this Thread? So you can have Complex Procedures when Firing a Bolt-Action Rifle in that Game? BIG WHOOP. If I wanted to deal with all of those Complex Procedures, I would either go Hunting or Join the Army. Meanwhile, I'll go have FUN with CoD 4 even if it's not that Complex.
3.More Macho Bull Crap about how "Console Gamer's Skills are Inferior to Pc Gamer Skills". I bet that I can play Red Orchestra (Me being a Console Gamer) and Adapt to it'sGameplay in a Few Days, then become Skilled in a Week or Two.
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