My point was that you can pay for convenience or put in the effort yourself. The world's like that all over... cooking dinner, changing your oil, washing your car, etc.. DLC is just that same concept applied to game content.lowe0
and my point was the effort you put in is negligible compare to the time you enjoy in case of the mods.
for example if I am planning to play something for the next 5-10 hours, isn't worthwhile to put 15 minutes into research so that you get more out of those hours (in other words you utilize your 5-10 hours more effectively if you put 15 minutes of effort in the beginning ).
Obviously, if the required work was a chore or took a lot of time compared to the duration for which yu will utilize the end product or required some special skillset like in teh case of "cooking dinner, changing your oil, washing your car," , then yeah it can be not so useful (in other words a 2 hours of research so that you utilize your 5-10 hours better may not be worth it).
Secondly, I would say even with DLC a little bit research should be done. Consider another scenario, you just buy a DLC without knowing anything about it and midway after 1-2 hour you realize it's not worth it -- so in this case did you saved few minutes or wasted few hours ? (I know research will never elimitae such scenario totally, but it will drastically reduce the chances)
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