1.- It's also minor on the PC but rather than blame ubisoft for it, you preferred to blame it on PC gaming and tried to use it as a point to favor console gaming, wich in the end both issues are on the same level
2.- I will repeat myself for this one: A controller is a controller, practical is practical no matter where you use it, unless it's better epxerienced with kb/m it ultimately depends on the game, not the platform
3.- You know what my experience with building PC ammounted to? Going to a PC shop, and ask the tech guy "I have a tight budget, can you put together a PC for me with this money?"
All the things you mention about malware again are your own fault, I rarely have to use ccleaner because i don't abuse my pc and because i don't browse random websites, nearly all your PC issues tend to be your own fault, and those things you mention about the mobo? I have never run into them, and again, all i did was ask a tech guy in a shop to put together a cheap gaming pc for me
Patches have never stopped me from enjoying my games, games on the PC patch by themselves, the size of the patch is up to the developer and even if consoles have smaller patches, that's mainly because they are limited to how much they can patch at the time, and you are still locked out from playing anything until it's installed, while I can wait for my patches to download while I play something else on my PC
Consoles can be a pain in the butt too, it works both ways, except on consoles you don't get much choice if a developer or your machine itself craps up
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