@Pedro said:
@AzatiS said:
You should read your first response again. You simply defending the choice of flash drive over BD.
Nope, I was stating the fact that its faster than Blu-ray. That is not a defense. No sides were implied or given in that post. So all of your ranting was for nothing. You would need to find some other post to feed your animosity.
I know what you said. Its typical for fans to "excuse" all bad decisions. Faster than BD ! So what ? Its faster than BDs but way more pricier for 3rd parties , which 3rd party support is Nintendos weak point for generations now. You really dont want ANOTHER reason why a 3rd party developer might NOT want to come into Nintendo family !
Guys its simple , its not me that will spend money and end up with a dead console after a while , that will be you again. If you are ok with that for another generation just because youll play 4-5 of Nintendo 1st parties its fine by me. Praise flashes and bypass the problems , youll end up with Wii/Wii U situation again and then ill be able to say once again .. " I told you so" like im saying for like over a decade now ! Hohoho !
Its not like i didnt say the same things for Wii and Wii U. Even if my analysis for Wii went out of the door about its sales , i was on point in every other aspect. So i was with Wii U. Im waiting to see what is NX all about to let you know what will happen ( my opinion and prediction to be precise )
... So you talking about flashes , if this is true , is not the way to go sadly to lure in 3rd parties. Its another thorn on their way imho even if we live in an era that price wise , flash/SDs etc are more viable than ever.
I hope im wrong , you really think i hope for another dust collector after few years ? In fact thats why im so harsh with Nintendo ( along other things we can talk if you want ) and many think im a hater or something.
If only dedicated fans ( those that actually spending alot of money ) would raise their voices against every BS their favorite companies making , the outcome would be only better. Im doing this for you even if im not the one thatll spend money on Nintendo products and im supposed the hater! Am i really a one or im not eating Nintendos BS and bad decisions while i speak about them in a very blantly manner ? Anyways
We will see on NX reveal what is this all about , for now we debating rumors. IF this fail though , this might be the last Nintendo console we will ever see and imho , all of you dedicated fans youll be responsible as well.
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