Well Blu Rays aren't cheap either and I can't speak for the PS4. But loading times for the Xbox One were still a bit shit tbh.
Also, since we know nothing about the console, criticising Nintendo's storage medium seems out of context to me.
I don't care. I'm happy with my Wii U, so I'm going back to Nintendo now. I think Nintendo and the PC will easily cover all my gaming needs.
Thats the problem right there im talking about !!Fine example ! You REALLY dont care enough to call out your favorite company to make things right out of fanboyism. Thats what is happening to Nintendo since N64 ( let alone many other big companies )
You shouldnt be happy about the state Wii U is the last 2 years NOR about Wii U sales , NOR about Nintendos $ losses over it , NOR about the serious lack of games aside few great 1st parties over 3-4 years lifespan , NOR about the total amount of games , NOR about variety/quantity of games , NOR about online capabilities , NOR about hardware overall that drives 3rd party away, NOR that Wii U couldnt stand as primary platform , NOR about the pricey hardware AND software when system is in a life support for years and the list goes on and on. As a dedicated fan how the hell youre happy about all those things ?
You my friend , like everyone else like you , is the reason why Nintendo consoles are in the state they are the last decade let alone are near to their permanently death.
Waaaay too many assumptions about me and Nintendo. I've only had a Wii U for about a week. And after the shit show that is the Xbox One, I am happy with the Wii U.
Nintendo didn't need calling out with the N64, how were they going to instantly react to such big changes and competition, and it was a great console. The GameCube on the other hand SUCKS, so they did need calling out with that. And I'm only just starting to appreciate some of the Wii gems after all this time.
As a PC gamer, Nintendo home consoles are fine for me. They fill a gap in my gaming needs, that's it. When they want to wake up and make changes, fine, great, but I'm just done complaining about it for now. When I say I'm happy with the Wii u, I mean, I'm happy with the console for me. I'm well aware of the problems. But what do you want, a petition? What is going to make them take notice.
Favourite company of mine, Nintendo are not. But what's left, I'm done with Xbox and both Xbox and Playstation are going to start banging out new consoles every two or so years, and I'm not into that nonsense. Plus a great deal of the games on those consoles are also on the PC.
No, Nintendo are the reason Nintendo are like Nintendo lol. Don't blame me for their business. That's actually the opposite of fanboyism, I'm not up in Nintendo's business, just enjoying their games right now. But I never said they didn't have a ways to go.
Dont take it personally. If you are happy with what you get , its fine. But to say you dont care is other thing.
Nintendos N64 was the start of downfall. A fine example of what im talking about. N64 cartridge choice led to a BIG LOSS of classic exclusives to competition AND N64 architecture was a nightmare for developers which made things even more complicated. N64 sales overall also were decent at best. If we add every N64 problem N64 overall was far from great.
Now if you are not fan and you having Wii U only to fill a gap , thats fine. Thats all Wii U is in the first place. Even Ex-CEO himself called it a secondary platform , nuff said.
I agree with PS/Xbox 3 year cycle feel nonsense to alot of people. In the meantime PC gamers will get benefits from this since all this RAW power will get in use from 3rd parties.
I wont blame you for Nintendo since you are not a dedicated fan , i thought you were. But i blame the Nintendo fans overall for Nintendos current console state.
But you're taking what I said out of context a bit. I said we don't know the context of the cartridge use since we know nothing about the NX. So right now, I don't care too much about that, I'm just enjoying the Wii U for what it is. I got one second hand.
Until we know anything about the NX, how can we judge Nintendo and what their positions they may be taking.
Did the ex-CEO call it a secondary system from the beggining or later on when it was clear things weren't going well?
The N64 was the best it could have been at the time, but not from all angles, Nintendo chose to give us a great gaming platform rather than a poor performing optical medium platform which to be honest was mostly beneficial for FMV and audio. The CD may have allowed developers to bang games out, but it was super slow, and not well used for games at the time since RAM amount was low and their was no console storage. The PC used them better because it could install.
I just don't agree with the idea of constantly upgrading my home consoles every few years. It is absolutely not for me. I can see the irony as I would happily upgrade my PC parts when I need to, but I like to buy one console box for that generation and that's it. That's what it should be about, the hardware should be a one time barrier to getting access to the software at the best it can get on that system for the whole generation.
I'm a Nintendo fan, as in I respect them and enjoy their games. I'm not dedicated. I don't really buy their handhelds anymore either and I don't think they can do no wrong.
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