Japanese publisher and developer Imageepoch held a press conference announcing eight new JRPG games with the overseas market in mind, they have also revealed them teaming up with NISA to release them outside of Japan and so far Imageepoch announced 3 games ( 2 PSP titles and 1 PS3 game ). their PS3 game is said to be the very first HD game their making. still more announcments to come.
Edit: think they'v also announced a DS game so 4 games so far
Why did they pick NISA as the overseas publisher/localizer?
ans: why they chose NIS America because of their Disgaea sales, which exceed 150,000 – 200,000 units, a number Mikage says shouldn't be ignored. His plan for overseas expansion is to target overseas fans of JRPGs first and foremost.
P.S: For those curious Imageepoch created ( Luminous arc on DS, Last Ranker and i think Fate games )
P.S#2: NIS America is set to release 3 PS3 games next year ( Disgaea 4 Fall 2011, Ar Tonelico 3 Feb 2011, Neptune March 2011 )
Yes to more JRPGs! 8)
Anyone excited? thoughts?
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