i lived in certain places in Asia before coming to Canada. grew up in Manila, lived for about 6 or so months in Beijing, Seoul, Taipei, and Wakayama. went back and forth from Asia to Canada. all i can say is, the Xbox's and the 360's existence is NOTHING compared to the ps2 and ps3. in Canada though, even though i know more people with a ps3, it's evident that the 360 is more popular simply because ALOT more people buy 360 games in EBGames, Gamestop or Bestbuy.
but when i was in Asia, i didn't even know Halo or any of the xbox's games back then. there are no Xbox in stores, that's why i'm so surprised that everyone here i nthe West talks about xbox and i'm like, 'huh? i thought it flopped.' cause it certainly flopped in Asia for sure. as for ps3 vs 360, it's still the same. went back to Manila, Hiroshima, Pusan (S. Korea), and Phuket (Thailand) and all i can say is that LMAO no one knows what a 360 is. well, in Tokyo, people kinda recognize it (and sadly, some of 'em just buy it because it's an American brand which is like wtf). but when you say ps3, they all know it. oh and no one buys Gears of War or Halo 3 there. seriously. even Uncharted and LBP (total flop in asia IMO).
i dunno. i think that no matter how we look at it, there's always something that keeps us(asians) from buying a certain western game/product, and vice versa. of course, there are ALOT of exceptions to that, but OVERALL i think more people still go with brand (or country) loyalty like 360 being an American brand and ps3 being a Japanese brand. not all of those asian countries are so well off that all people can buy ps3's and considering the fact that the 360 is cheaper but it still doesn't sell well in developing Asian countries is just beyond me. maybe the PS brand really made an impression, and the Xbox didnt? heck, the Dreamcast is even more popular back then than the Xbox. seriously.
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