@Snugenz said:
It's been pretty obvious from the get go, Sony don't support their peripherals to a decent standard. That and the PS4 is too weak for VR with modern graphics.
I understand the sentiment and agree that there's examples to make that seem like a reasonable position, but I think it's off base. While Sony development support certainly can't hurt their headset's chances (Gran Turismo VR would shift some units), I think the short term success of not only Morpheus but VR at large rests in the hands of third party publishers.
Coming up with unique, exclusive, and hugely popular VR-only games is going to take time and probably won't be likely until publishers see a combined install base worth pursuing. However, if major publishers are willing to include VR support into popular franchises - if Activision adds VR to CoD, if EA jumps on with Battlefield, Battlefront, Titanfall 2, or some sports games like Madden, if Take 2 updates GTA and/or the next Red Dead, Bethesda comes with VR enabled Elder Scrolls and Fallout, SE joins in with Deus Ex, Ubisoft responds with Assassin's Creed or Watch Dogs - then I wager we see all of VR grow quickly. If not, then VR languishes until support does come. And certainly if Sony's device cant run major releases then it's going to get roasted. But I don't think first party support is going to be the catalyst for general VR purchases. Just like with regular gaming today, the vast amount of AAA content is going to be from 3rd party, with some interesting indie titles, and first party rounding things off.
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