MK9 is a great game, and a huge improvement on the MK series in general, but it's still got issues.
1. The block button does not belong in 2D Fighters, period, end of story. Reasons for this should be beyond obvious.
2. The balancing could be a lot better, but they're getting there.
3. Netcode is kind of bad.
4. Special moves need to recognize 8-way inputs. This isn't the early 1990's anymore.
It's a good game (even a great game), and NetherRealm clearly put a ton of work into it, but it needs to step it up again if it actually wants to compete with the big dogs, though.
1. Yes because those Side guarding fighters have great balnce with teleporters and fast attacks. 2.Explain. Perhaps they should release thew same game 2 more times with !% improvements and charge us full price retail? 3.Explain 4. SF should add new moves and more realistic fighting. This isn;t the 1990's anymore. lol big boys? Are you saying it's worse than Brawl?1. If you cannot see the obvious telegraphing of teleport moves and move your stick in a different direction before they hit you, you're just straight up bad. And yes, in general, those fighters do. Games like Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, KoF, etc, are certainly more balanced than MK.
2. Please. I'm not even a fan of Capcom's fighting games. Why don't you think for a second before you open your mouth and insert your foot with all these baseless assumptions?NetherRealm has had to patch out a number of infintes that should have been found in testing, and they have a tendency to over-correct. People complained too much about Jax. NetherRealm listens, over corrects, and buffs the living crap out of him so that he's the best character in the game. Great balancing.
3. Game was laggy as all hell online. It's significantly better now, but a major release should not have those issues.
4. That's such a poor comparison it's laughable. I'm asking MK to recognize the fact that there are more than four directions because it will open up a lot more options. You're asking Street Fighter to change it's style as a counter argument that has no substance because it's just you being a jackass. Tech was more limiting in the ninties, so that was fine then. Now, not so much.
I don't consider Brawl (or any Super Smash Bros. game) to be a competitive fighter, so no. I was speaking of the Street Fighters, Guilty Gears, King of Fighters, etc, of the industry.Just an FYI, I love Mortal Kombat, and I don't really care for ANY of Capcom's fighting games, but I recognize what they do well. They have better balance. They are better mechanically. NetherRealm did a great job on MK9, but the game could be better. I want to see MK improve so that it continues to stay relevant.
When was KOF relevantA? Barely anyone buys the games even based on quality. KOF sales have consistently been jokes so regardless if quality makes it a big boy, it won;t be considered by the mainstream whther you agree or not. It's like the Singularity vs. Cal of Duty thing.
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