
Will post the source when I find it.
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The first steps to officially kill consoles for good have been taken. All shall be PC gaming. As it should be. Gaben.
Parrot is an Sony worshiper but we knew this was coming.
Hermits will get a major boost to the quality of games that will be available on PC. Xbox owners sharing love.
sounds good on paper but this will end up being more of a double edge sword. Sony and MS are making the PC become too atractive with these weird deals. I know they don't see the PC as a competitor but the market is changing and people are becoming more tech sawy. Sooner or later these things that seem little now are what will end up killing the console market.
sounds good on paper but this will end up being more of a double edge sword. Sony and MS are making the PC become too atractive with these weird deals. I know they don't see the PC as a competitor but the market is changing and people are becoming more tech sawy. Sooner or later these things that seem little now are what will end up killing the console market.
How is it a double edged sword? Microsoft makes more money and they can simply put out an xbox as a reference box for those too intimidated/lazy for PC gaming. The majority of profits from a generation come from software and not hardware. MS Sells twice the amount of copies, they make more money. Sony refuses to play ball with PC, their stinker exclusives sell 84K in the US like Driveclub did in the whole of 2014. They lose money.
The death of consoles is good for the industry. The surge in PC gaming has caused things like VR to happen as people want to move on and upgrade at their own pace and right now, they want to upgrade quicker than what the APU twins can provide.
sounds good on paper but this will end up being more of a double edge sword. Sony and MS are making the PC become too atractive with these weird deals. I know they don't see the PC as a competitor but the market is changing and people are becoming more tech sawy. Sooner or later these things that seem little now are what will end up killing the console market.
That's the plan. Consoles are shit. There is no need for them. They need to standardize/classify PCs into performance tier levels and develop games so they are scalable. That way everybody can develop for the universal platform and eliminate exclusives (the only reason I buy consoles).
Nobody would argue against having more games on a system(Apart from fanboys and their death threats to companies).
sounds good on paper but this will end up being more of a double edge sword. Sony and MS are making the PC become too atractive with these weird deals. I know they don't see the PC as a competitor but the market is changing and people are becoming more tech sawy. Sooner or later these things that seem little now are what will end up killing the console market.
That's the plan. Consoles are shit. There is no need for them. They need to standardize/classify PCs into performance tier levels and develop games so they are scalable. That way everybody can develop for the universal platform and eliminate exclusives (the only reason I buy consoles).
Unfortunately if Microsoft renew focus on the pc (as opposed to simply saying it), it will most likely result in pc gamers being taken advantage of in whatever manner humanly possible.
GFWL launched with a subscription fee. Windows 7 attempted to block out competition.
These Microsoft men cannot be trusted: they are bad people.
Nobody would argue against having more games on a system(Apart from fanboys and their death threats to companies).
Hopefully a less exclusive future is somewhere around a corner.
sounds good on paper but this will end up being more of a double edge sword. Sony and MS are making the PC become too atractive with these weird deals. I know they don't see the PC as a competitor but the market is changing and people are becoming more tech sawy. Sooner or later these things that seem little now are what will end up killing the console market.
That's the plan. Consoles are shit. There is no need for them. They need to standardize/classify PCs into performance tier levels and develop games so they are scalable. That way everybody can develop for the universal platform and eliminate exclusives (the only reason I buy consoles).
Unfortunately if Microsoft renew focus on the pc (as opposed to simply saying it), it will most likely result in pc gamers being taken advantage of in whatever manner humanly possible.
GFWL launched with a subscription fee. Windows 7 attempted to block out competition.
These Microsoft men cannot be trusted: they are bad people.
Which is why Linux, OSX and Steam OS exist. Competition and enough competition to spook MS into giving a damn about their consumers for once.
sounds good on paper but this will end up being more of a double edge sword. Sony and MS are making the PC become too atractive with these weird deals. I know they don't see the PC as a competitor but the market is changing and people are becoming more tech sawy. Sooner or later these things that seem little now are what will end up killing the console market.
That's the plan. Consoles are shit. There is no need for them. They need to standardize/classify PCs into performance tier levels and develop games so they are scalable. That way everybody can develop for the universal platform and eliminate exclusives (the only reason I buy consoles).
Unfortunately if Microsoft renew focus on the pc (as opposed to simply saying it), it will most likely result in pc gamers being taken advantage of in whatever manner humanly possible.
GFWL launched with a subscription fee. Windows 7 attempted to block out competition.
These Microsoft men cannot be trusted: they are bad people.
Microsoft doesn't have the ability to screw anyone over who doesn't agree to it.
None of them actual pc games.
All good reasons to NOT get an Xbone.
Just give me Quantum Break and Forza on PC and i'll be happy.
Forza is one of the few racing games with upgrades and DEEP career....
On PC only NFS Shift has something similar.
I hope so. At last these stupid System Wars will be over, and everybody should play on their platform of choice without stupid exclusivity deals
^COWS are the worst and they drag gaming down.
@Gue1: I think it could be a double edged sword for a different reason. Let's just hypothetically say cross platform rights sharing is big success, if so I'd wonder how companies like Valve will respond if this threatens their market. I could very easily see them partnering with Sony to implement a PS4/Steam rights sharing (like was experimented with Portal 2) which IMO would be much bigger than any Xbox One / PC rights sharing, so much so it might be a killer blow for any of MS's Xbox One / PC aspirations.
This is the best way to get 3rd parties to support the M$ "ecosystem" since the Xbox One sales numbers are not doing them any favors. It's a smart move in the real world but bad news for Lems in System Wars. Even the NGage will have more exclusives than the Xbox One now....
This is the best way to get 3rd parties to support the M$ "ecosystem" since the Xbox One sales numbers are not doing them any favors. It's a smart move in the real world but bad news for Lems in System Wars. Even the NGage will have more exclusives than the Xbox One now....
The Ngage currently has more exclusives than the PS4 and xbone combined. Kinda pathetic for this gen, really.
But then it's rather pathetic the PS4's games are so abysmal us mustards wouldn't touch them with a bargepole while the thirst is there for Halo and Forza. How bad do you have to make a console with no games and appalling exclusives yet people still buy it?
If this means I can play Scalebound without an Xbone then I`m game. Thank you Microsoft.
This is the best way to get 3rd parties to support the M$ "ecosystem" since the Xbox One sales numbers are not doing them any favors. It's a smart move in the real world but bad news for Lems in System Wars. Even the NGage will have more exclusives than the Xbox One now....
Phil announced today they are supporting devs and reaching out with dev tools. You won't find most of these games around Sony.
LMAO why even buy a XposBone, this is a moment of silence where MS will drop xbox brand!
We have to calm down a bit. I'm sure there will be a catch in all of this.
I'll believe it when i see it.
Killer Instinct and Fable Legends? Sure. Scalebound, Crackdown, Quantum Break, Halo, Gears and Forza? We'll see
LMAO why even buy a XposBone, this is a moment of silence where MS will drop xbox brand!
And if you buy a PC. Why would you buy a POS4 with its 30FPS, mediocre exclusives and 720P VR?
I bet the cows never thought it through that this is just another step towards PC Gaming's complete global dominance by making Sony an irrelevant failed zaibatsu desperately hanging onto the one successful product.
I'm happy about this, but I don't really see how it benefits Microsoft. Exclusives help to boost console sales. They also are the primary reason why PC gamers purchase consoles. Microsoft needs to boost the Xbox One's portfolio with high profile exclusive titles more than they need extra sales from PC gamers. But then, I have no reason to care since I don't own an Xbox One. So yay?
One less reason to buy an X1 ... lol
One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
One less reason to buy an X1 ... lol
One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
One more reason to buy a PS4 since all those exclusives will be on PS4 only ! PC for everything else, problem solved.
One less reason to buy an X1 ... lol
One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
I doubt GabeN would approve of your bullshit
So many reasons to buy an xbone now WOW! Oh wait, there was never a viable reason to get the console. You're better off in buying a Wii than an xbone at this point haha
One less reason to buy an X1 ... lol
One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
One more reason to buy a PS4 since all those exclusives will be on PS4 only ! PC for everything else, problem solved.
So 30FPS Mediocre exclusives from has been developers or devs where the talent departed years ago (Like Naughty Dud) and 720P VR?
Compelling argument there Mister Sony Marketer. Please, guide me to where I can buy this piece of expensive garbage with no games at all.
One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
One more reason to buy a PS4 since all those exclusives will be on PS4 only ! PC for everything else, problem solved.
So 30FPS Mediocre exclusives from has been developers or devs where the talent departed years ago (Like Naughty Dud) and 720P VR?
Compelling argument there Mister Sony Marketer. Please, guide me to where I can buy this piece of expensive garbage with no games at all.
Naughty Dog released one of the highest rated games of all time just a year and 9 months ago. If the talent departed "years" ago, they obviously didn't need them.
I would say that the track record of 3 AAAs in a row would hint, at least, of the possibility the studio will release another good game. Until there's some convincing evidence to the contrary.
That's terrible news. My PC is vastly superior to my X1. Now I pretty much have less and less of a reason to keep my X1.
One less reason to buy a POS4 as well since the POS4 has no games.
Microsoft did the world a favor today by converting more people to the PC Master Race
One more reason to buy a PS4 since all those exclusives will be on PS4 only ! PC for everything else, problem solved.
So 30FPS Mediocre exclusives from has been developers or devs where the talent departed years ago (Like Naughty Dud) and 720P VR?
Compelling argument there Mister Sony Marketer. Please, guide me to where I can buy this piece of expensive garbage with no games at all.
Naughty Dog released one of the highest rated games of all time just a year and 9 months ago. If the talent departed "years" ago, they obviously didn't need them.
I would say that the track record of 3 AAAs in a row would hint, at least, of the possibility the studio will release another good game. Until there's some convincing evidence to the contrary.
Average downgraded third person shooters the paid press circlejerked once the checks cleared from Sony and one game so bad the stealth mechanics didn't even work but the press gave it 10/10 because "MUH FEELS".
Hilarious. Top grade shilling. Neil Druckman is a hack in the wrong industry by the way so you can take your movie games and put them on Blu-Ray where they belong and stop infecting the gaming industry with your downgraded, press X to win trash, Cows.
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