@slim70 said:
@ryno1179 said:
What kind of Troll are you? Why would you buy an XBone when you will have all of it's games on the PC? Sony may have started this Gen. slow but looking at Sony's past track record they start every system slow. Then they come out with some of the best games this Industry has seen. If you don't like good games that sounds like a personal problem, but don't try to make it look like Xbone losing it's exclusives is a good thing.
Stop with the "Sony starts every gen slow" mantra they're not the same company anymore. The fact that they're pushing indies so hard with the PS4 and that indies make up the majority of the PS4 game library is proof enough of that; not to mention all of their recent financial struggles which puts everything into perspective.
I personally don't know why MS are doing this. It appears that this is a clear win for the PC while it's unclear how this will benefit the XBO from a sales point of view. However, I'm sure that there are things about this upcoming change that a lot of us are unaware of. I'm certain that MS now exactly what they're doing, after all, these people are smart and highly educated.
Sony released 2-3 major exclusives for PS3 even a few months prior of PS4 release. So yes , its the same company always was . Even more respect to them when those titles came after alot of financial pressure. Where was Wii all those years PS3 went berserk with titles ? Where was X360 ? So take that into consideration before you tell us that Sony isnt delivering ( more or less )
Bloodborne / Uncharted 4 / God of War 4 / Street Fighter 5 / P.T / Persona 5 / Last Guardian / Until Dawn / Ratchet / Infamous / Killzone / Gran Turismo and more to come what else to ask from near to a bankruptcy company when it comes to both diversity and quality let alone quantity of exclusives/time exclusives ? Yeah , for sure all of them cant be AAA though who in the end of the day making ONLY AAA exclusives ?
If someone was smart this generation was Sony that didnt fell into last gens motion controls trend MS felt. MS tried to make a motion control console to lure all who liked Wii motion controls plus their main hardcore fans with a product that will do everything Wii did plus everything that didnt. And that was to be able to play all multiplatform titles and be kinda advanced in hardware in a logical price along with the online and multimedia capabilities . Therefore the XONE name. ONE for all. They predicted that totally WRONG.
That backfired hard because casuals dont give a crap about Kinect and motion controls anymore . They guessed WRONG .. Motion Controls wasnt the future as they thought ( because of Wii last gen sales obviously )
So MS ended up with with their biggest marketing weapon out ( kinect , yes kinect ) ... And whats left when the big marketing weapon is out because noone cares about such mimicks anymore ? Yes ... A mediocre hardware/system that trying to compete with a way better one on same price tag . Something isnt right here is it ?
And when they see that for a year now they CANT REVERSE the crap they did with those super cheap bundles and coupons and free games , even removal of Kinect itself dammit ... They made this PC announcement ... Because they know they lost this console generation so bad and theres no way to reverse it anymore. And they changed their focus to other markets as well for profit ... Thats what really happening . They messed up everything thats all. I wouldnt call that smart by any means ...
As a PC gamer myself though is something i welcome .. More games for my PC , thats awesome both for me as gamer and MS as publisher/developer. Theyll make some bucks from me which otherwise they wouldnt. Thats where they aiming now. Console war is over.
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